Thursday, June 14, 2012

In the End

In the End

In the end we both know the temperature of these waters
The movement of molecules frenetic and unpredictable
Unsettles my soul to a degree my desire to be the good man
Could only cover for a limited duration

Your quests for freedom of maintenance where you do not
Perceive the requests confusing me like a boy punching a bee hive
And you asking me why I have so many stingers in my skin
The mathematics do not compute to an allotment of solid walls

Nor the foundation of a transport beyond here and this temperance
I am bleeding away in these days like breadcrumbs no longer deposited
Along the path I have no intention or desire to retread or return upon
These are days to conserve those resources for fresh outlets

And in the conclusion of these iterations of thought you have chosen
To divert your path away from mine, and I respect your needs
Morning the friend that I can not keep, the life barely on the blink
Of a radar captured and then like a fleeting image fluttering away

Under the wings of the blue morpho butterfly blinking and finally shut
With the lens and captured in image of a photograph of us you would
Never allow to be imprisoned into the confines of time to preserve
That which internally you knew was destined for such a fruition

And like a blank stare I balk in words at the letters of your absence
To say that this is not love, to say that this is not love
To say that I am succumbed by a friendship with benefits of release
Beyond that a person interchangeable and inside part of me agrees with you

And part me argues the point because I am not sure or certain
Or aware if I will ever be aware of such implanted feelings to love
Unabridged based on that which I have seen you run from me and curse me
Even in our infancy to know if now then it will again and this should not be

And the accusations of abandonment when all my efforts are expended
Is simply a daily payment I am apparently incapable and I so I regretfully agree
That I can not compensate you for my absence in a manner befitting your
Prices charged and there fore I silently acknowledge my moving on towards

Separate pillows and nightstands and clothing areas and placated egos
To choose myself over you and you to choose that world over us
Foreign paths, I do not anger and know that in the end you are right and
It brings me sadness that this did not lead these horses to the creek side

And we will still wander these hills saddle packed with flint at the ready

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