Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Traffic Corners

 Traffic Corners

Busted out and tied every doubt into a knot blatant on the counter
For all to see in a pile five foot eight inches high
Standing there like a testament to all that isn’t
Feeling trapped and feeling pale, hopeless situation with out avail

I see this town like a ball and chain
Written on a death certificate to build an aggregation of days
Resembling a life in technicality
Peddling on in the disparity between love and hate of one’s self

This is my undulation of heaven and hell
Right here every day part smile and part pain
Waves they wash in collisions at traffic corners
Occasionally the pedestrian, occasionally the fender

Which is worse death or living in the aftermath?
Bones immobile, bones buried and “nature has its own religion”
How can you bring anyone into your soul when you don’t even want to be there yourself?
Convincing jury in this seat first and I feel useless to do this

Broken in purpose and entrenched conclusions
Always been this pessimistic can not un-grip this pragmatist hand
Self fulfilling prophecy the enemy or the consequential casualty of a previously fought war?
Carried along like a body bag with dog tags jingling that this is my life living

The route of a dead man walking in the fabric and clothing of a skeleton
Naked and cracked to the marrow, the vertebrae stack in an Acura backseat
With all these work files and to do lists just another piece of this routine
Wanting to be sincere and held and told I matter

Wanting to love big and jump off this cliff like a hang glider uplift
See those valleys and carry so far from here that it all slips clear
Into memories of what will not recur and what is not her
Yet it always is this Mogadishu way to live

Chaotic and apocalyptic worse off then transcendence
Into a joy that this is the long haul employed like a career way of life
Committed to with the husband and the wife, united and confronting
The bumps whether or not we saw them coming

And the interstate is clogged and the traffic is a mob
Running me over and me running over again and again in knots

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