Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Tricontadogon peg, round hole, trying to compute this role
Wasting this life waiting and maintaining a patient persistence
Knowing no one is ever going to walk up with the correctly sized portal
For this obtuse polygon mortal

One two many, and three less
Thirty two years of quilt patch regrets
Genetics in a slug fest, stunted height truncates the lot down into smaller flights
Location like a prison station on Elba, an island to row out to and no visitors coming through

The more I am here the more I want to move, nothing here, but complaints
A travesty of bartered nights piling up in reasons to stagnate
To shed the identity of the man that I could become for my truncated self
Resigned on the precipice of this hell to repeat for a semi-eternity

The maturation of my offspring like a recoiling spring stretched out
Constantly returning here in a boomerang ball and chain hindering and helping
Love in all its forms, the differences in the astringents to apply that make
So many see none of this as a possibility, even myself

A life on hold, like a magnet with only south poles, how can this ever work?
Captivated and mandated to a bargain with a lesser God I was unaware I contracted
My mind like a tempest constantly brewing, considering linguistic acrobatics    
Spewing word after word like a testament burned like a brand

Glowing in red smelt tingeing black absent of grasps that these books need to be read
I must share this swell and find an equilibrium in her arms and
These women seem to wade in shallow waters unable to respond to the maelstrom within me
And I feel like a singular circus freak performing in a chicken cage

Alienating in my façade, disturbing in my story, gray hairs growing and choices tethered
Travel plans truncated, sliced and diced this decade into incomplete harvests
Praying for a family like a sip to parch the thirst of this Antarctic desert

Vagabond love a conundrum of undulating principles bellowing under a Who Dat sun
Praying for a luminous rebirth, help me find you

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