Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ghost Booth

Ghost Booth

Ghost of an outlook perceived, sitting in restaurant booths
Alongside couples holding conversations entranced
My image an exact replica in every instance except for tangibility
To impact this scenario in any of the quintet of senses

Just a vagabond deceased onlooker wandering onward
Through bedtimes, meals and the struggles that
Make reality shows so popular
The ultimate voyeur without recompense

Or guilt or culpability for snooping in how we talk about each other
When we know no one is listening, the pillow-talk of record
Spinning without scratch or scent of a tracker in these woods
The phantom eternity of other people’s business like a Sunday matinee

Might as well be this table here in this diner
The granulated sugar with the coffee percolating
For the waitress to refill this cup overflowing in gratuitous refills
To slip in Ricin in this brew, breathe in the aroma

Through with this life to parade in an interminable wandering
Being able to finally get close to someone
To know them with as much emotional intimacy as I have been allotted
Craving a one sided equation bent over backwards and flogged

In the ultimate self flagellation to have all this inside me
And bin it for these oxygen-based years is a Sisyphus suffering
More arduous then the release of knowing it is simply impossible
And allowing myself the avenue to desist

This introspection, this self-analysis is debilitating
Make me psychoanalyst of the world and I can revel in my own genius
Like a mad-hat fool pontificating the hells and dreams of all I pretend to see
And never having to hold out mine like the thumb of a mangy hitchhiker

Waiting for anyone to give a fuck to pick them up ever, just let it end
If that is to be my reward

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