Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thunder Cat Surgeons

Thunder Cat Surgeons

I feel this mutual ache,
The application of your voice, messages and letters
Connecting like salve on my burns
Cleansing that which is becoming less and less optional

I can see these sunsets like trampolines from what was to what will be
Pouncing like wild cats in a jungle of nocturnal hunts
Prowling to thrust themselves upon a slumbering competing carnivore
Of a past with our jaws on their jugulars bleeding them dry and limp

So that they can no longer stalk us and we can leave these groves
Of fly traps and thrones, quick sands and kudzu
And run into pastures and grasslands exposing vulnerable to all of those
Monsters that once hunted our dreams while we slept

Separate and pondering, analyzing and calling out to God
For answers to the justification of these raptures
In pain and deceit of all of these steps on the staircase for us to meet
Out here in no where hoping to hope and going to go

On our way and maybe never know that this was possible
And we could turn the tables and let our claws
To sink teeth into that which refined us and turn the table with jaws
Clenched and determined to be who we are

No matter the bloodshed we are who we are
And these days we now share are our weapons of choice
This time in my arms is a booming out voice
Like a resounding wave of identity found and now shared

That we will be here and they will be there
Us alive and they slain and dead, murdered in a past that no longer hurts
For all of that has a purpose in the operating room of your stare
Healing me fully in ways I had given up repair

This romp on through this Earth is no longer optional
I can not disconnect, I can not forget this surgery performed
I can not remove the devices you have implanted into me
Under my skin you are in and I now know no other way to be

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