Saturday, June 16, 2012

Enslaver of the Beast

Enslaver of the Beast

Crab queen you caged me
You kept my dog on your leash
In a bubble of anesthesia
My libido was strangled to breathe

How could you convince me that this was an acceptable life?
To be betrothed with one option
To be chained to these numb suits each day
Like a dumb pill, like a choke collar

That to hope for more was an assault on you
That to ask you to pick up one paper clip of responsibility
In the matter off the ground was to ask you to
Drink a cup full of cancer or pains like the flagellation of Christ

Scourged and bleeding in barbed indentations of days
To deny me this basic tenant of manhood and marriage
As an afterthought and implant its replacement normality
Of a sentiment with a blame for that which I impinged on you

I gave you more than seven in one afternoon
On a bed with you begging for a brake from this ecstasy
And you could not see this benumbed member of me
Half alive and half dead like a redwood slumbering in our bed

And a week before your Judas enactment, I gave you myself
In one last ignorant act in a hotel room at the Royal Sonesta
With your coworkers calling and my own needs of bonding
An afterthought and a reluctant recollection

That oh yes I am still married to this man and we are away from
My obsession of a child and those country miles
Here in my husband’s New Orleans and I drink and I say
And I participate and you go off with them in those Bourbon parades

Of karaoke and stories of other men flirting with you and your feigned interest
Not wanting to come to bed with me and see what the limits were
Of this evening, no you were more concerned with what they think
How could I ever view you as normal or this as love?

How can I not thank you un-endingly for ending us
For the abolition of my own slavery 

To have her as a partner has dwarfed you into a cockroach
And with each moment of her embrace I erase every incestuous moment
Of sexual repugnance that makes me want to regurgitate every molecule of
My stomach comments with the inkling of having to ever touch your Medusa skin
And yell out a William Wallace call for Freedom

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