Saturday, June 16, 2012

Blue Sky on Fire


A Blue Sky on Fire

How do I tell you what logic applies the break pedal?
Gut feelings press the accelerator to communicate,
To share, when I know you know, and to say it is to
Break the pond in the month of May and
The swans are swimming and paddling in place of
Waddling out there on frozen pathways

I would say I am amazed how much we are on the same page, and
The book we are writing together has thousands in a handful of days, but honestly
Nothing in my life has resonated such a sense of clarity
As the feeling I have when I look in your eyes
Peering back at me with scalpels performing surgery
On every question, want and fear I have ever had.  

The perspicuity of the feelings I am feeling shine out to me
As simple as the sunrays on an afternoon laying down in the grass and
Expecting and seeing the clearest of blue skies,
Knowing the sky is blue and you are you and
These are just so simple to see and as wonderful as they feel
In an ironic breed of connections,
I am not amazed, I am not surprised, I am just living in a lucidity of life. 

This is not infatuation, This is not some pebble skipping a pond,
We both know what this is and
The days we are counting don’t allow us to exchange labels, but
I know we both know and that is so peaceful and exhilarating.  
And I don’t need some Hallmark paper fold out to write this to you, because
I know you know where this is going
And sometimes I pinch myself too, but yes this is happening.

I wrote in my journal of letters to the wind about you that
“I would not change one piece of her in her beautiful humanity,
We fit and click like a puzzle piece of so many intricate turns and curves and
Together this severed clouded bit of colors smeared all of it merges into
The clearest picture hidden behind all things separated for too long.”

In my life and my words in the past I thought I knew love
And reflecting myself I know I have known none
Love is reciprocal and a duplicate profession and reception
Between fractions of a whole and my offers were coffers
Of a half breed mutant of love, a man to her werewolf, a boy to her vampire
A daydream for a nightmare in waiting and how can I say love in that taking
Of reality to the stoned truth in my hands like exercises in waits to know
The true taste of true blood, of humanity on fire in the boughs of true love

And I dare say this is it, incendiary and smoldering in the hearth of our embrace
And I have never said or written these words until here, but I know today,
So why wait those three words

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