Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Surf Muse

Surf Muse

Thoughts slipping in like a one man surf contest
To ride that wave out there all alone, as no one is watching to see it foam
And dissipate almost as quickly as it came
Quick use it up now, if I don’t I’ll lose it and we’ll all know some how

The muse of the moment reaching and in the crest

I see it sinking out and down and round the mound
Of all the ideas that could abound, from that moment
Like a gift, a child, birth in the seconds flickering as the style
Grabs my attention like a magnet pulling me in and there I am off again

Now, live in this time, because the water is leaking, and there goes the rhyme
The meter the liquid parameters are dancing in iambic pentameters
Quicksand of every day slipping and sinking and dancing away
In this mush mouth of grit of grain and pain of every line that reaches up lame

For a movement to grab that vine like grown from a tree and extended in time
From the hand of the muse, to obey the devotion and obey the rules
Of images swimming in my head of the life and the creation that could have led
To this poem, crawling out from sand and birthing from me

Like a mother in a masculine frame, this is my contribution and I give it a name
Title proposed for you, to read it, to grip I composed for you
Not really, just a narcissist selfish as can be, the words the stanzas, they all come back to me
Topical in only a theory the focus is always circling back here near me

Personal and intimate poetry, it is the only kind that comes out because I am obsessed with me
Won’t you, take away this chain formed in coral and covering my name
In organisms grown in years in tiny cells that hold my fears
Escape them, I can not do, because they are the jars of my secrets I have to hold to

Like muses in each their way, this is the reef that I have to stay
Home with, like a town I can not leave, growing and warm and wet on me
Surfing my way out of here, the waves they run and it oh so clear
In the claw of the crest there is a pause to feel the air, the sun, the laws

Of gravity pulling on me, a sign a reassurance that in my heart, I still want to be free.
But really, all I want to do is impress you, come off as cool,
In these waters, like Poseidon on you-tube, watching and marveling that this introspective speech
Had a meaning, beyond my means, beyond a brook just babbling  

And I know, this is life, take hold and the words are music moving, bought and sold
Transient like a vagabond moving from love, to hate, to hope, to God
And they’ve touched me, even though I made them myself, but so does the child
You birthed that cries and you’ve held, close, as close as can be, the replicated self,
Reflecting me

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