Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Circle of Fifths Defined

A Circle of Fifths Defined

I am lyrics. Composed and syllabic, metaphors abounding
You are music. Complex and transient, movement innate

Fluttering on the whim of every chord
Dipping like a kingfisher into the waters
Of my words in swoops of seething energy
Insulated from the grips of these waters

Blazing for the energy of the unanswered potential that swirls
Around your body like breaking liquid slip steams
Like a sea lioness darting for exploration
Surrounded by sharks and would be Russian mine fields of pointed resistance

Yet shrouded, unaware, yet aware discounting the impact
Of considering ramifications like ankle weights
To the choreography in which you in motion exist
Flit with disaster and endless possibilities

Including the ecstasy of knowing a happiness worth waiting for
And the endurance of entertaining the pain of the destructive force
Around every corner like an armored transport with the dexterity of a humming bird
You move and I ponder in awe given my lack of adroit mechanisms

Capable of replicating your behavior, these loquacious logistics
Like parameters of the considerations that legislate how I exist
Constantly peppering the dotting of the i’s in my memories
Singular and stationary ashamed and inflamed in the glory of home

In me, in knowing me and introspective monopoly
I own them all, the doors, the floors the walls
This house of cinder block and bolted skeleton key locks
Bones and shown right out these roles

Fervent and stoic, rowing and hoed it
You are flying and I am standing, in these places we turn commanding
Presence in our understanding of who we are

This pestilence, this life, the cracks to see the similarities despite
Of who we could be together, of who we are apart
The lines of what must with the music played in these hearts
A spoken word without backing, a beat and a measure without voice

Raise in the other and find a father and a mother
In the arms of these sounds, vagabond children come home

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