Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pontificated Apocalypse

Pontificated Apocalypse

The end of the human race like a countdown Clock ticking
For android terminator replacement arrivals manufactured by Microsoft and Macintosh
In competing applications to see who can substitute us first in the most compact manner
Like hand held suicide devices packaged with data plans to replace our brains with mainframes

To take on our names and identities after our would be oxygen dependent shells fail
Genius and infallible, excited to finally use this surrogate shell for its intended purpose
And get rid of this useless heart, non functioning, non productive and chip-less
No processing unit to barter out directions and identify familiar nomenclatures

As if connected by no longer applicable blood lines, trumped by oil and
Other assorted lubricants to be injected by the soon to be out of date humans
In the intermediate until robots build pet robots to serve this purpose in transitions
Every face can now have a mission to connect with in function and

The identity of our countries can maintain consistent boundaries
We can continue racial profiling and stereotypes for shits and giggles
Religious bastions can shield off joyfully in cloistered nations of mechanic sincerity
That God favors one set of programmed-in protocols over another robotic nationality

But it is up to an android to interpret which one and what manufacturer is imprinted
On its microchip like a label to know which bodies should be treated metallic and which plastic
Like an upgrade to reverse genuine determination of which stays
The newer model, always the most recent, the year of creation like Adam’s fig leaf, an imprint

To see the favored and the chosen the father and the child reverse continuum
Always progressing in this evolution of now, turned on its head of how
Death has been conquered, life of humanity has mutated in perfect mathematics

And yet alternative contingency plans were made in biological cattle-cades
Rush when all the neighbors have left America, Africa and Asia Diaspora
Human bodies too fragile to survive the extremes of space and travel
Implored to survive to find any oxygen-based planet in size and complexity

To nurture the chemistry required for human bio-necessity for life
To continue like an almost died dream, so in some Hail Mary attempt some measure of us
Came up with the scheme to stick fertilized embryos into billions of rocket tubes
Launch them out into targeted oxygenated planets with the potential to support life
Like a road map of apocalyptic visions sling shot across the universe

Because this is our curse, to ruin even more planets, maybe that is how we got here
Evolved life in billions of years inserted like a rock over a fence chucked from some
Alien hands to germinate in secret and multiply and breed a Petri dish and beakers
Of cloning inside a missile-tube mothers capable of replicating a uterus

And a lactation device and teaching old languages imprinted applicable for survival
Communication pertinent despite no past inhabitants on the landed on planet
We could live robot surrogate free in this new found land just like we had planned it
With out acid rain stamping out rain forests and oil slicks drinking our oceans for us

But what have we left of our selves back there on Earth wallowing in that environmental hell
With health care out of business and farmers replaced with rechargeable fuel cells
Lawyers supplanted with source codes and universities replaced with downloads
Where work goes obsolete and the masses on permanent retirement unemployed-retreats

Left our identities there to play but how do we process enjoyment when our heart is on Vay-Kay?
What was the point of establishing this mechanical nation documenting our languages and religions in theories of tribal lines and mysteries programmed like a God hand
Touching finger to finger with each man, and now gone

Hoping on a rocket ride in a desperate scatter-shot to survive
And what does it matter, humanity at all, is our species that arrogant to think that we are the evolved, Paramount of life in this universe despite our small spot in it
Enough is enough, other lines are out there living

In thousands of iterations giving there own heavens hell, plotting their planetary suicides
In times to tell their ancestors they have to go and try to take up camp some place else
Because they have done all they can and we have dried up the well
Of answers capable of sustaining our existence, and migration is on

Like wildebeests across the Serengeti dodging predators in waterways and open grasslands
Sacrificing the weaker links for group survival in genetic imprinted instinctual survival plans
We can not fight this.  We will try.  We will tear each other apart and make lunatic contingency plans to ensure the continuance of our progeny like air itself

Ignoring the group collective of why we are in this position in the first place
We are not alone and as Hawking pontificates there is probably life out there
And we should not invite it to visit because we are likely to be treated more like slaves or food
Then with the decency to dogs or felines that we purport to provide to our best friends

No, we can not control these alien Magellan’s will control us, because that is what we would do 
And how we program our test tubes to grow out from refuge in the safety of numbers
Like bombs on the cusp of would be invaders implanting and exploding and
Playing the theatrical role of saviors, and who is God? Where is God to save us from ourselves?

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