Monday, June 11, 2012

Stone Washed Wave

Stone Washed Wave

I have given my everything
I am spent restless and contorted
In a back ache of convoluted humanity
A cipher for those who dare come after and attempt to de-scramble

This egg faced mess strung about in strands of accusatory undertones
Chicken-winged wish bones severed and traded for a fear semi-abated
In waves of a seasonal ocean scheduled to return like solar eclipses
Predictable from centuries away, yet somehow once a quarter in this year

Disproves the adage that a peaceful soul begets peace
In a movement of character and thespian like performances of repressed anger
For solicitation to the adjudicator parceling out justice in this universe
For that dangling carrot of a modicum of concern to annotate history

With the everlasting footnote of taint upon the sanctity of that which stones
My limbs to this wall, thrusting cabbage-ball boulders and apricot rocks
Colliding into purple lakes that with a palpating hand one could see the
Evidence swarming from underneath the skin

Escaping the labyrinths of enough bubbling to the surface
That depression wins in its propensity to switch
From concave to convex like a Tupperware top acknowledging the movement
Of the catacombs of coming home to escape the flooded tunnels

That have been pumped-in to excavate the fearful
From a repressed underground sanctity
I bemoan the latency of my surrender, but in the draw at noon
It would appear the bullet that was assumed removed has left shards

Of corroding shrapnel in the bed of this crimson organ
Gestating a metallic virus of coronary stampede
To rumble like a migratory pattern of wildebeests
Stomping for refuge in a reprieve

Away from this foul carcass, besieged with metamorphic baubles
Stamping this skull.  Just take it, just take it all, depression you win
Hope is a vile bitch, a harpy swooping and devouring all that I had to offer
Ravaged foul in blackened saliva consumptions

Ripped apart after its one-hundred foot stony-surf engulfs my beach
Like a Kraken claw combing away the remnant granules of my dignity
With an icy slew, scavenging, so that I am beautifully voided
I am nothing, I am infinitely non-existent and this feeling can obliterate

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