Monday, June 11, 2012

Tax Payer Holiday Revolt

Tax Payer Holiday Revolt

Cramped up, pinned in, cubed up, and held in Christmas
An office working and office sorting for digits in
Spreadsheets of numbers that meet towns and mayors
And State government step-ladder fares paid down

From the Federal troughs milkshake-ed up from
The citizen turn and cough bend over and tax it out our ass
Sitting here pumping your numbers over spending and deficits discovered
And why the lives of every government non-profit client I have

Are off for two weeks at the end of the year?
And I am in this office sitting with my five holiday days an annum
New Years, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Labor, and July number four
Not any of the days after or the days before

Just five in three-sixty-five, holiday elates
Deficits on television like a maze for politicians to emote
How sorry they are that the benefits won’t carry their votes
The way they would like or the compensated absences accruals

Need to be paid, and that GASB 45 is causing a pain
In the reality of time tax payers have been footing for years
Somehow I just don’t see the balance coming anywhere near
The respect of the common man and the common bureaucrat

Nothing common in that: time away is like a prerequisite
An understanding of the way you are supposed to have it
For your lower numbers and your self sacrifice
Well I am the guy auditing the numbers and I call bull shit

On your algebra of rights, you deserve,
If you like them you better savor the taste of 2010
Because the double dip is coming and this time the Fed won’t be able
To bail out the state and local governments again

Have you been to Illinois?  How about New Jersey?
The promised benefits have bled the system dry and now basic services are being deprived
Double standards only addressed at the nadir of this mess
So five days for me and twenty something or more for you

If your broker put you in municipal bonds, I feel sorry for you.
Retirement, health care, eight people for an eight hour day
It is all coming to an end, the piper is coming and where are the kids?
New ideas better let them in

Information technology in the classrooms, smart grid,
Per citizen budgeting and funding
Internet polling database for term-limited legislators to vote conscience over re-election
Get the nonviolence out of the prisons and into a workforce
Single Payer Health with a universal appointment system

The world we were living in is a thing of the past
Oil dependency funding foreign governments
Wasteland of consumers enriching Chinese masses
Put on your common sense class glasses

At work on a Thursday when half the world is off
Just have to remember at the end of the day to turn and cough
That rectal contribution back to Uncle Sam
So he can go and spend it on the retirement of a nonworking man

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