Monday, June 11, 2012

Love as a Bird

Love as a Bird

In the eye of this hurricane the wind shears
Are independent of the core
We are not intended for a forever

In a love for a bird with no beach to land
On an island of offerings
One mercurial in flight, ongoing despite
Wanting to tractor-beam passions

Lasso lessons, man with a daughter
In small-town waters hitch-post mortgage
Loose sense of who he is capable of being
Hope, a bird's career on the ropes

Of becoming some school, some-where
Morning and feathered night
Waking and sleeping early, late
Offspring another dependent being 
Hesitation to see support
Defensive of ability to give
Energy unfueled

Edge with questions about a camera
Equating to fuck yous, lost and bludgeoned
Half dead and stubborn, struggling
With depression that governs stabilities

Health on scatter-shot and fragile
Of what can just drive away from the parking lot
Progeny, not so subtle
Like picking up a stone from my own rumble

And whizzing it by my skull as if I lose focus
The drumming will come in duplicates from this thrall
Of beings who so easily disparage, living this hobbit
Life seems so much more safe and sad, repressed and crass

Horrible and cushioned, scared from moving
Instability in flutter wings, I don’t believe in love as a bird
Fear has trumped, doubt has won out, leaving means alone,
No phone calls, no speaking, vapid silence consumed by the soup
Guilt, worry, fear and exponential loneliness,
but at least I have averted another assailant

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