Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ready at the Ready

Ready at the Ready

Harbor and anchor me here in this stance, questioning plans
Am I ready? She asks me like a lever that has yet to be pushed
A blanket statement of what I want compared to what I am and will be
The timing of fifty-one percent to circumvent my commons sense

For a sense of desire that mires my truths behind some curtain in a swamp
Of reality, that more time is needed to bridge this disparity
For what I am capable of giving based on these events in the waters of where I have been living

I see here wondering and fathoming the proliferations of this information
She has been gathering and she asks me, Am I ready?
Am I ready for her, as if the flip question is not there to confer,
Straight answers and razors lining the tables of these chances

Certainties and tragedies waiting in the wings, how do you know if you are ever ready
For such gravity-filled things like comets or branes colliding creating something inert in this universe A placement of matter in all of this candor as honest and as forthright as possibly can be

Staring at that anchor in me of where I am and seeing her moving and breaking these chains
But somewhere in the background some of them remain that I can not saw through
Some measure of days of acquiring my own freedom, have ventured to this
Ready at the ready, ready and me going as steady

As ready as I will ever be ready, knowing you are part of this beat
That has me in this measure of days knowing
Everyday until now no one can seem to relate the measure of me out on this plank
And I see you for who you are walking towards me

And I have been ready for you longer than I even imagined you were possible
From thirteen to now, you have been the counter-weight to my protagonist
Writing dreams out on the stage, never knowing feeling you get me
Like no one ever has, all these words I say and write to you that I would not ever bother

In all those others, in those other faces, seeing mazes their ears get lost in
Feeling like I am on a tower of Babble miles in the sky
Or two-thousand leagues under the sea, talking to myself drawn out to these epiphanies
Of Now and how you look at me and I on fire inside your hands

Balled up like a hand grenade waiting to blow, for you to pull the pin
And make me a man on fire so alive glowing in the bask, this is what I have been ready
For every day of my life, and everything to here has told me
The glue of this construction for these years
That you are you and I am ready and you are finally here

Making sense in a way my exes on this map never did
Reaching a part of me that has found the oxygen to live
Outside in this world of extreme environments of emotional outreach
That this is what you want and need and I am here and I have a place,
A reason to be this way like a key to lock, and I am here and I can not stop

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