Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dominoes | | and Tilting /\ Expressions of Choice

Dominoes | | and Tilting /\ Expressions of Choice

Sitting on a car hood, staring at you looking in a mirror ten rooms away
Renting some space on the reflection of my hours
Washing your cheeks focused inside in a discussion
To sort all this out in a fifteen round bout

Months and Years stacked like dominoes | | | | | /
That flatter me in their pondered iterations and
You see them falling and counting the dots :::
To compute just what this is worth the tipping point /_  or /\
Where you relinquish some segment of control
You assumed you would always participate
More completely in its fruition

To some option you see stacked down the line
Knowing it is your finger, the impetus to this chained reaction
Of stacked white rectangular buildings of time,
That will bring you there in an apparent inevitability of extrapolated consequence
Teetering the initial touch to these black dotted blocks as an extension of choice

That there would appear some platform awaiting a junction
That somehow steals your freedom in a railway fork
Awaiting in this future, startles you into a pond of sediment
Filled waters with submerged tree limbs and dangers
Like staggered road blocks of what ifs
And what must you let go of to open your hand to grasp onto mine
As if these choices are approaching in business suits of absolutes

Like mountain tops in Oz ascending to crumble up this yellow brick
All these contradictions that stick between the blueprints
Of months ago and this landmine exploding of Saturday night’s
Reverberations ratting out like a halo expanding

In this angel landing in your life like a second thought
Of what this means and who might one day call you his wife
Like something nuclear, fallout is expected in the depth of these waters
Collected all that sedimentary material floating in the undulation

I hear you calling out in this fog, grabbing for upside down branches
And my hand there extended swaying like a search light
To find you in the ghost dust of this explosion’s wake
Hoping you can hold your breath through this shock to your system

And breathe, just take the time to breathe and see these blue eyes
Like light house beacons to gravitate towards in luminous spherical smiles
Calling you into a joint nexus of want in what matters is no longer a singular
Expression of grammar expounding, but becoming plural
Like those two hands standing straight to the sky facing each other | |
I showed you while awakening in my bed sheets teetering in the faith of falling
Tilted and balanced in juxtaposed support /\ that all their weight of remaining upright
In control of their own ability to withstand the gravity of this world

Was transferred in a joint choice of selection to choose the other
With the faith of falling in unison of a meeting point, the heaviness
Would transfer into the feathers of knowing a true counter balance

In this stare of that mirror peering into yourself, I am here for you
Like these blue eyed lighthouses, I am here for you
Imperfections and my scabbed skin I am here for you
Knowing you can see these scars on my hands like holes I can not amend

For sins I have lashed my own back in hundreds of nights of self flagellation
To attempt to atone for that which asks you to share this yoke
As oxen on a tandem plow this landing point liberated by terms we construct
I see how in the fog of this dust storm the labels of Mapquest

May appear to be an internment rather than a dream proliferating into Kansas
With tapping of ruby slipper sidesteps into one measure of man
These restrictions chain my own feet to this stop sign on a highway to
This vagabond land you have never seen, foreign to your employment, your outlets
Your eateries, your friends, the pathways of your daily pursuits as if the accoutrements
And cornerstones to the foundation of your independent happiness would somehow
Be pulled like the linchpin to a pyramid of joy that might crumble in choosing to stand
Next to me in this non-Kansas and you see it as never getting to wear those red jeweled pumps

And you have my heart like a hand grenade, in your research of songs
You must know this by now and see me standing here upright waiting to fall
In a tilt like a domino drawbridge descending to allow all this stranded traffic
Awaiting behind me to pass like a flood into you, into what I see
Like a harbor of a woman I have hoped for and never witnessed in tangible construction

The path of our potential is not set up, I have not taken this room and
Placed a thousand domino days out in a carnival of musts and pre-written history
Awaiting simply a name to fill in the blank on the sidekick of my autobiography
I am holding my hand to you, to take me for the man that I am

With these imperfect holes baptized in the absolution of you seeing beyond
This Quasimodo exterior I have seen in my own mirrors for a faith of give and take
Awaiting your penmanship to write the story of these remaining days together
Knowing each other’s frailties and accepting in a barter of dreams

Recognizing the toll of these roads is not paid in coins
But in the lengths we will take to have these hearts adjoin
I have stacked up in warehouses promises to complete to you for every pound of faith
You place in me to balance this scale, I will repay to you
In time where your friends become ours, I will incorporate your world into my own life
Of time with your mother, your trapeze, and a step-stool for the dog, your dancing, and learning
And time for your self, secure enough in us to not take away your singularity
In these bastions of solitude that allow for our clarity to navigate these murky waters

Even without the extension of a hand, that I know you can accomplish so much
On your own, outside my partnership, and that your act of selection must be of a
Tangible rather than token nature, and these labels strike you at an impasse
Setting and resetting the iterations of these dominoes on the floor of your mind
In a circus of what if’s continually striking Hammond like Titanic’s stubbed glacial toe

Ripping holes in dreams you never knew you had in you as options to ponder
And you are so wary of how many passengers for how many life boats are on this ship
Just setting sail, and maybe if you don’t play this poker game, and don’t win this ticket
You can just never know and keep going in your scheduled direction
But life is full of risks, we can not fully predict and even in the magnitude of Tangipahoa
There could be others from your end, mine and ours lurking there like Krakens

But I will promise you this, no matter our heights or the length of our legs, or what may appear by The mathematics of time, for every step you take with me, I will match in you in pace
One for one, a choice in each day, and
It may seem right now that it might be every two for my one
But you must see in these mountains that obstruct the path of these yellow bricks
I will pick you and carry you up a thousands steps to get over it

And so if the faith of computation
Is why I know you will understand these words and find solace in their strength
And not take them as answers, but as honest tokens of a tangible man you say
You have seen enough to know, then breathe, breathe, get your head above water
Out of this soot and breathe deeply in unison

In the life raft of my chest you are a paddle without which I am adrift and you are treading
And I know you can swim, I know you could find shore on your own
But my vessel has spotted you out in these waters, offering my hand
And in that is a choice to see this stripped paint on my hull and choose in a choice

That does not need to be made by this sunset
But you do have to bare these waters and breathe and accept the realities before you
For what they are and allow your self the time to see these horizons roll off the table top of tomorrows, Into the tangible rather than the token impressions of what your suspicions might paint them to be

And I am here for you
In this stare of that mirror peering into yourself, I am here for you
Like these blue eyed lighthouses, I am here for you
Imperfections and my scabbed skin I am here for you
In holdings these pens waiting to write the rest of our story in ink rather than pencil,
I am here for you, In this mathematics of steps I am here for you
In these arms waiting to carry you and be carried over what neither of us know,
I am here for you.

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