Saturday, June 16, 2012

Death to the Crab Queen

Death to the Crab Queen

If your reach from this grave claws her away from me because of your grip
My ability to forgive you, even if you asked
May avenge my sense of Christianity in a battle of want and will
In an attempt to eradicate the memory of me ever attempting to love you,
You old sea witch crab queen hag

Casting your spells of deceit and lonely incomprehensible depths
Of nothingness in soul I went spelunking in under water caverns for years to find
All came up empty in every piled on modicum of pursuit
I could fathom producing to excavate the imagined treasure of your Nonexistent soul

Naivety on display in oil tanker size pumping out my trust in your
Sea Kraken in waiting down there in those depths of lies
Ignored upon this sun shining surface to persuade me into loving you
Thinking of touching your skin makes me want to vomit

To spew out these experiences of praying for your intimacy of character
With my own constructions of faith in a kindness I invent to satiate my own loneliness
Misguided by your people-pleasing mirages, you have tainted me like
Medusa’s poisonous hair whirling in the snaps of asps infecting

To find her out here on these waters rowing to shore
After your mutiny at sea, to spot her and woo her into seeing me for the man that I am
Beyond shrapnel scars of logged bits of you, clinging to my life like a cat of nine tails
Clawing into my back, night after night have healed and I am ready

And yet you, you in all your ugliness and ferocity of hate to manipulate the remainder of my existence have stolen a freedom in me that would prevent my capabilities of loving her in a manner befitting her stature and for that you have committed a greater wrong against me than all these prior transgressions,

For that my morality teeters into a see saw
Of forgiveness into contemplated pursuits of revenge to harm you and tear apart that which you care for beyond me into a raid of hate upon your lands, to take my pound of flesh
So many others have urged me to acquire and known I have deserved, yet held out of taking out of a Christian sense of self and moral hypocrisy avoided

If this theft occurs I will hate you, I will wish for your pains, rather than your joys
Knowing you have cost me someone beyond my hopes, wanting to bear witness to the episodes of my tomorrows if not for the taint of you.  Worst of all for the first time I have doubts that knowing she sees me now for who I am that is still not enough for her, because of the rank of your stench that remains smoldering off that which I can not change, the infection from your sting in my moments of absolute vulnerability pusses a repugnance that may become decision altering.

Die you ugly sea bitch crab queen in a drowning pool of your own vomit and may those you believe care for you rape you in the night and commit suicide by your bedside with pre-written scripts blaming you for the pains you have caused them in a maelstrom of unending confusion that will drive your past and present insanity into a state of crystal clarity so that you may recognize what you have truly done

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