Monday, June 11, 2012

Puffer-Fish Poisons and the Antidote for Hope

Puffer-Fish Poisons and the Antidote for Hope

Scrape these days off like calcified skin
In spectacle flecks of sprinkled evidence
That a man lived, a man attempted love
In a smoke haze affront to all of that which

Would appear natural, conceding the likelihood
Of a travesty over a pinnacle of exuberant triumph
Into the romping grounds of knighted troubadours
Serenading the pantheons of star-crossed neophytes

Believing in the power of tomorrows like American debt
Piled up like greased sludge lubricants to keep that blood pumping
On the exacerbated quandary witch of hope
Cackling on the doorsteps of another year

Another stack of invoiced revolutions
Without recognizing just how dizzy this planet has become
I don’t like the way she treats me when she is angry
I say good night to her and that year, and that brief grip on love

Like the dying parakeet in the mine, the harbinger of a season ago
Knowing the allure of not having to bite into the soap bar of loneliness
The alabaster anesthetic to misguided faith in that bastard hope
I sacrifice attending to your pulpit demands

Inebriate myself on the toxins of knowing I must drive myself
Home at some measure of time between two and five am  
And cocoon into nothing, to admix the serum of my genetic makeup
Into a concoction of stagnate bog and xanthium gum

I welcome nil this familiar pox
Wishing upon fantasies of my own normalcy
I can not bare your children.  I can not be your parent in tandem.
I can not fund this voyage and finance this foul resentment

Fuming through archways to stifle my respiration
The puffer-fish quills of your Fugu tongue poison me rouge
Yet expected in my sequestered honesties 
I beg of you a reprieve, a solar renaissance

The tetrodotoxin antidote to recover my faith in hope itself

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