Monday, June 11, 2012



You ostrich faced mother fucker
You have ignored me and all of us for four years now
And while the hurricanes of my life have distracted my focus
I have not forgotten our passing conversations

On a cell phone in Dallas promises of a total of $90,000
Got me to come and implement your time salvation
To allow you to escape and eschew and what have you left me with
But two useless staff gone, no more salaries paid

And you have just pocketed the difference and left me in the rain
Evaluations signed in a lie on a assumption that you would at least
Perform one in the last four years, yet you have stuck your head in the sand
Rather than holding up the standards of your peers

To look me in the eye and saying I appreciate you in theory
But not in application, I value you as a worker , but here is why
We can not afford raises, I need to get my data together so that
When I leave you I can survive, I wish I had a partner who could compliment

My life and I don’t.  I don’t have a partner in any way shape or form
And you have taken advantage of that and I am scorned
Hostile and frustrated and I don’t want to do my best
Because you won’t even talk to anyone about what is there left

In the coffers with these numbers that you dis-acknowledge
Wanting nothing to do with the reality of what could be  
If you only knew how often you stick your ass in my face
Rather than just talk to me plain

I know my loyalty means nothing, because I have seen how you have screwed the other
Taking advantage of his conservative nature and impaled
Him up on the cross of your work force toiling away, and he falls off a ladder and
What do you say, take all your sick time and comp time too, take all of it negative

And you can work it back through, no not twenty years of service, not consideration
Of life’s tragedies, no you have got your head in the sand and this department is
Like your own private beach, to lounge on while we clean it and keep it serene
So you don’t have to even open engagement on your computer

Because that would mean, you had to work or to be involved and the
Emperor with no close on would be appalled if his clients knew
How out of touch he was, with a half a million in revenue and two mangers making
Less than forty percent of the stubs, Hello

My life fell apart, I lost more than you can possibly know and yet you stand there
Saying you support me, but don’t ask you to go and acknowledge your promise as I sat there in Dallas and don’t ask you to elaborate on your retirement plans for a carrot
Because in the end you will screw me and sell out for a buck
Because what have you shown me is your focus for the other to be shoved

I need an escape plan and this divorce has kept me dormant
But hell is riding in and I can hear the door storming.
Maybe with your competition we can take away the will,
If only the other would come with me I could have my fill

At the trough you have been feeding, just back up because it should be me
At that meeting, and I want that drive back that you have anesthetized
I want back control of my life, and the least you could do is dump this client
That has accused me of crimes like a scum bucket problem

Fulfill this request and it would go a long way if you can come through
And deliver me the peace of mind of her lies, business or not
I will be able to focus these ties, that you at least listened to what was important to me
For one hour on one day and I didn’t get lost in these streets.

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