Monday, June 11, 2012

Shore Bird

Shore Bird

Disseminate the tetrodotoxin through a foreign liver
Incapable of handling the potency of these hours
Parading in pungent practice that answers rest
In phantom conversations I will never have

The quills of these vagabond words prick
Yet never touch, pain, but fail to register as present
On the roll call of this conference bartering
Conversation for stares at a white ceiling

I am torn asunder in this disappointment
In the wake of reactions and actions belted out
Like floggings and boiler plates to substantiate
The bar bolts of what my neighborhood emotes

Hope a foul truffle, an abomination hunted and avoided
By the genus Sus, detected and
Subjected to every nervous inch of inspection
Yet, never actually read or seen, just perused in an approximate vicinity

Sniffed at with feral nostrils
Bleeding for a domesticated utopia
And the olfactory processes of St. Hubert’s hound
Are buried deep in the belly of a Dachshund

Grunting and snapping and never quite catching
On to the fact that all I ever wanted was right there on the fringe
Yet an eternity away in the nuance of compromise
Of the actual components that mattered to me

Not that structure of these surface tension ponds that I can not change
Move on in absolute and neither commend or condemn, but
Parcel a solace in the solidity of that which is by nature must
And focus on that which by its essence may

Or may not be, so that a pelican can finally land on solid shores
Without the shrill fetch of brine grating these nostrils
I prayed for you to find logs for this camp, and
My exhaustion in this stance is palpable as a medicinal opiate

To wallow again in the soap bath of bitter lonely

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