Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nov 2, 2010: In Honor of Election Day

Nov 2, 2010: In Honor of Election Day

Running up debts like a tri-athlete
Finding new and varied forms to compete
In piling on the baggage in distance races of class-war classes
In ignorance extrapolated I wonder if your arrogance and our stupidity dated

If we could foster a nation of orphaned children
Progeny of the bills we’ve left them, stacked on a kitchen
Counter to debate over in usufructs of parental love
Rights to enjoy none of the above

Can I opt out? Can I re-route?
The direction of this nation like a train wreck waiting to happen
At the extrapolation of this locomotive heading straight off this cliff
Unable to make that turn as we pick up speed

In the needs we are ignoring in all the lessons we are enduring
In truths too convenient to hide with the dust mites
Sleeping in our beds, biting us with microscopic pincers in the boughs of our heads
Like millions of invisible toxic waste children, byproducts of this America we live in

Traded for and bartered for and sold out honesty for body parts for a vagabond corpse
To hike it up on a stick in an effigy of America can you help marionette her arms
So we can make up her words for her, stitched up her mouth with a zipper grin
Locked up and held in a tongue and cheek argument we all blend in

Yet bleed, when poked except this anesthetized lobotomized scarecrow with button eyes
Up on the pulpit of a Republicrat and Democran having sex streaking out with the mescaline 
Dripped into the water supply, suck it at the liquor store, buy some more
Junk into your body, flesh and sinew transient muscles, too weak to rise up against

The corn field and the hustle to snort flat base lines of the fructose combusting
In the stomachs of the country growing like a surrogate food, we can not digest naturally
Just a mutated life form that has no idea how much time we have left casually
On the clockwork orange striking zero and we are no longer here to

Complain at the refrains propelling us to refrain from questioning the names
We keep checking like cartoon characters with deputy dog and woody woodpecker
Assuring the blue suits are dry cleaned and the father’s red enemies are seen
On internet video tapes getting hung for war crimes and done for creating

Smoke and mirror NIMBY wars for all of us to jar our sense of nationality
That there is a monster and it does not live in this country
It is the face of Jafar or Scar or some other dark-faced Disney villain
Stolen from Shakespeare in a Denmark killing barred

From returning, simple explanations for a drugged up fast food nation
Of chomping on the drive though troughs of immediate gratification lost
Like a dollar bill dropped and a value menu empty of values bought
To deposit food in the stomachs of the baby birds barking
In this nest of wide open mouths humming, my country tis of thee
Like a nursery rhyme reality that we have answers like pennies thrown into a fountain
All we have to is a little pilfering get our sleeves wet and we have got them

Right under the surface of all these problems is the solution to go and solve them
And all we have to do is borrow and borrow from our children children’s tomorrows
Why don’t we just crawl back into our mother’s wombs and hibernate, let’s re-gestate
And anti-impregnate that this ever happened, that we ever existed

Like a nation so young it might as well have never lived, like an aborted unnamed daughter
So much promise in the promises and simple in the change of a prostituted honesty
For a ballot box into a computer touch screen and there is a line between
Mistresses and environmental travesties cheated on mother earth for a burning

Hole in our pocket like a bonfire to burn up the profits of this hard earned work
And all this energy we hoped to exert to the average family to achieve the means
To support itself like an independent unit that could exist without your prudent help
Like a father dispensing advice on a porch swing

I think I would rather move away from home than have you as part of my family
Pandering to Neanderthals evolved as far as a war crimes turned mission accomplished
Balls turned fundraisers for crack-whore candidates and thousand-dollar plates
Like bribes for favors in executive decisions mandated on a consecutive terms to be returned later

The cycle continues
In the mildew of the spores gestating and hidden under the pillows of our thoughts
As we all lie asleep at night lost on the notion that things are better for us than our parents
Better for our children, better for our will be genetic suitcase-carriers, but all we are doing is building the barrier that they will have to hurdle with every ounce of their beings

If only the mirror could help us start seeing the role of our faces like bums bumming cigarettes and hits for our crack pipes stolen away in the night from these bastard children we claim to love
Parenthetically more than all of the above, standing in the present on the back of the past
And we are failing at an exponential rate to drink up the gas in a triathlon of depletion

Create what? Build what? From the migration of slavery from Alabama to Juarez
Slum it up in Shanghai for cash in the sweat dripping out from countries without rights
Like we makeshift the guilt like an invoice billed to other nation’s children of the way the bills
Need to be billed manipulated and objective that this is the objective achieved

Slaving away at our nation of needs, mail back the statue in New York’s harbor to France
Mail back all of these stamps plastered and stuck to our heads of all of these lives we have led
To come to, to break through thinking we can throw money at problems, baby talk candidates
Who wants to be honest about solving them? Quick burn that man, strike up the matches and bound his hands, make a bonfire of sticks to stack up knowing these problems, they exist  

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