Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sniper Shot Sentence

Sniper Shot Sentence

We never even had an argument.
No confrontational banter substantiated by an interest to communicate concerns
Hoping to alleviate a potential negative outcome
No discourse on divorce

Only a statement uttered like a hit and run plotted asphyxiation
Slipped in like ninja words as silent remnants of an assassinated trust
In a hypodermic needle injected supplicant to take the place of her face
Her words she could have chosen, but refrained from subjecting herself to such indignities

Like a silence I could extrapolate into a life raft of my own self hatred
To offer her in one last gasp of this murdered savior complex
I wanted to alleviate the malady like something a man could fix
With his hands or words in a mechanic movement desperate

Anger like a wave to be drowned in later
The cut clean, yet un-cauterized seeping in limbs sloshing across the stained hardwood
Sequestered as to not embarrass the neighbors in ignominy
Tiny droplet bullets of the most minute millimeter applied

As if the ability to end a decade of partnership could be truncated into a single sentence
No debate, no forewarning, no land mine or snare set, just simply
Walk the family pet into the veterinarian’s office to be euthanized
In a contractual arrangement with parties not allowed in the room at the moment

Adultery like a food chain if followed down will lead back to the plankton of the universe
These tiny moments, snapshots on Tuesday nights unassuming at the time
Yet relevant to the largest of species contingent on the alterations of future gene pools
So often missed and silent and twirling in these waters,
but abundantly clear when viewed from afar

Accused of knowing, of a non-existent discourse, lies in a manufactured alibi
Not one word from me, no pertinent retort to assuage the speaker’s concerns
As if the planning of this moment did not sit like granite upon the grass blades
There was no argument permitted, not one, just a sniper shot sentence fired and a door closed

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