Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Country Tis of Thee

My Country Tis of Thee

Strumming in America vagabond country
Too stoned to protect her, who’ll clean this laundry?
What’s your definition of welfare?
A handout or staple, a standard we are capable

Of substantiating the masses like a self provided
Safari guide like parade throw hall passes
Too many of us have skipped our classes
Humans, citizens, cattle or a patchwork of cadavers awaiting our ends

Fear on a loud speaker, volume eleven
And the spinal tap has dripped in the serum
America’s anesthetized from the waist high
Thinking gone absent, spitting in the wind

Eyes seeing rooftops with hands waving
Rancid waters in the streets and freedom is sailing
Mutual funds not so mutual in the return
Bailouts done blanked out the ramifications for some

In the sum of the years digits method computes
Struggling for stamps in a debit card and taxes expand
Choke hold on roles on what can be done when jealousy is done
Wake up and say I will grow and bake my own bread today

Not Barack, not George, not Bill, not Albert gorged
On the buffet of a deficit, some ones kids won’t eat one day
Will it be Malia, Sasha, Barbara, Jenna, or Chelsea?
No, these are daughters of the plenty

Falsified lives and transfigured lines fear like an opiate
Religion from the pulpit of a voting box of the one with the money
To hand out the drops of the elixir to the hands as the mescaline expands
Into the rivers and into the rain the oceans above can’t quite explain

How is this good, this dissociative DXM over and over and over again
Rules into law and the legislature is calling for a draw at dawn
Out on that Whitehouse lawn, pistols and scattershot
Some will live and some will not

Control like dominoes and no body knows
The ramifications of all these body blows
Farmers traded for lawyers, construction for seduction
Market to market from a field to walled off street

ADM commodities, price fixing and shell games
World market thefts and the ten cents that left
Ten million pockets and seven hundred billion burning
In banks of golden sacks to filthy to say no take backs

Returned on June 17th, not saying what lives beneath
Stories bequeathed to Geithner from Paulson
CEO of Goldman Sachs, what’s your role huh?
Independence drowned in ignorance

Who is your accounting, Enron abscond, the toll’s gone mounting
What can an American expect from our bureaucratic tenement?
Snorting up cocaine and gunpowder in the McDonald's bags
Dispensed drive through compliments
Full of fructose and soybean cow part remnants

Getting high on commercial appeal,
Forgetting the predicament in this meal
Not at home round the table
Families standing on a step ladder unable

To call out the problems just grease up the fat
Slip into that, anesthesia in the vat
Churn it round and drown the holistic view 
Who’s caring for your healthcare, is it you?

Doctors on pay rates, Medicaid moves us through cattle grates
Wouldn’t know where the other foot goes if the insurance company
Didn’t tell me how I was exposed, stop I’m sick, somebody quick
Pull the crip-chord parachute me off this blimp, down to the street
Smash me into minced McDonald's meat

Pre-existing human condition whether I live or can pay
Health care education cost me more to maintain the reservation
My country tis of thee, sweet land for robberies
Swipe this card to help me eat, hike my mortgage out to the street

Barrak just tax us more to maintain the farm
Why not change out the system instead of fake sounding the alarms
Bush bunked out to Bunkport long ago so what’s the sport

In trying to find a way to make ends meet
To tie these mismatched government shoes without shoe strings
The caravan is handed out lefts one term and rights the next
Never a match, never attached, no way to cover this bare foot to this path

Walking in circles, complain to the delicate
Situation of the difference between Louisiana and Connecticut
Harvard to Yale presidential stature prevails,
Levees and oil slicks federal love and throwing bricks

At revolving prison doors and gun crimes pumped up with what lies
When the average man can’t bake his own bread because
The trickle down is snorted up to by another tax rate that doesn’t equate
To the liquidation of the oil milkshake in these olive limbs to grease up the space
Between these class rims kept in a cubby hole for junior to fatten up his bank roll

Mirror, mirror, mirror on the wall what’s the greatest question of them all?
Guess what the man in the mirror can not do,
Is have the government live this life for you

Why are we are trying to promise the sky,
Why are we promising two sets of lives?
If you work for the machine then you get the grease,
If you don’t they you press the olives and are left holding the leaves

Retirement plans, allowing the opt out
Of social security in a fire sale cop out
Why in this nation are their two different boats?
The Titanic is sinking and, W go grab your coat

School teachers, officers, municipal crowns
Unions gone fuming over defined benefit mark downs
Everybody else employed at will, hoping to make it
And retire before their kids are reading their wills

Boomers on the edge, economy is going to fall down
Mystery no, I can hear the sounds rumbling like a pre-quake
To seventy percent of the work force trying to leave the maze
All at once, pulling their assets out the chest

What happens when everybody is trying to sell?
Recession dissention into a lower level of hell
2040 and the budget is consumed entirely by interest, Medicaid and Medicare
How’s going to be left to bare the burden of the debt left on our doorstep?

Lie of a nation gone on vacation, reality TV just a preplanned novelty
What is life? Believe it or not the bachelor didn’t keep her as his wife
Dancing for stars and Idol spotlights wear off and the bills come due
Monday morning working and what skills will you

Bring to the table to bail us out, answers to cancer
Cure all these aids handing out promises on the evening news
In a ballot box parade,

We need one tax system, you pay straight, not social manipulation for
Seven thousand different states,
We need one health care system for one species, humans are humans
Not cast offs to the street, Treat us as one, incentivize health, not who gets paid

Outlaw the defined benefit government retirement plans,
Put social security in the people’s hands
No Doritos or Coke in my kid’s school lunch
Don’t sell out the school for a couple of bucks

Take the U.S. military out of Europe, out of Japan
Why spend the money in peaceful foreign lands
Hold on to fear like a straight jacket, immobilize
The mobilized with a purpose in pride

We are the best and we know the right way
Infant mortality rates going the wrong way
Straight out the womb and the country has got you going sideways
But the doctor made his golf game, so who pays?

Energy grid back from Tesla, haven’t really improved all this mess huh?
Plug in the wind and the sun’s glows, how to connect it, who knows?
But America can teach us how to read and write though
How many years before it all blows?

Oil slick bursting the Macondo,
But quick nobody run to
Barataria bay until the bill comes due
Nobody wants to see what greed can undo

Migrate bird routes disrupted, the white boots have become the hunted
The microbes are feasting on the carcinogens like a Riesling
And the shrimpers gone out of business in needing

Of a reason to go on, the hand out is coming in a slow song
Let’s throw money at the problem, energy crisis abscond them
Remember when we use to make things?
Made in China, oh there are the shoe strings

Maybe I can walk now, two blocks down to the corner
Walk up for my value meal order, pigeon hole living coming up short huh
Worrying about what is to become of my daughter?

This country I am to leave her
America, America what fear will you feed her? 
Honesty in the lines of what can you promise
Calling out bullshit in front of congress
Do what you can and not all this other mess
Please girl go put on your brand new dress.

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