Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Gravity of Stop Signs

The Gravity of Stop Signs

All of you float like dandelion sprinkles roaring faintly
As I wiz by on a rushing road
Car window up and the inside is panting for autumn
As summer sets to explode

Seeds on the knees of all these bended down pleas
Face to the sky and the screaming subsides
For a penitent man shall pass through the waistline
Of that sand slipping hour glass

Wrong for the day and too large for the camel to see
Going nowhere and circular wrapped like a razor-blade whip
The counterweight in my dreams holds like a stem
No cuts on her hands and the slashes wrap my neck bend me in

Like a photograph of a collar folded up in a corner of a drawer
Dented from dust and scratches and claws
No more viewing or sewing or dreaming or knowing
Frame me away in a broken day

Post in a box and mail off the lot memory of imprisonment
Like the days link like a chain of all those moments spent
On beanstalk beans and no sprout drought run away dreams
Thoughts living in a cloud fluffed up with translucent means

To understand that this is a fantasy land, the wizard behind the curtain
In a pink pimp power suit and a butterfly buzzing like a wasp on the move
Pollinate and confiscate dreams rowing by in a boat with a note that said, got to go
In a silent stiff arm no tackle and muted alarms

Blame like a top spinning on a table, is this a dream
Is this going to fall or is it stable?
Totem on the armor worn like a mask, dizzy in the head
And thinking it is time to fast

Will not eat, will not consume, let her drive by but not in this room
Insulate and exterminate the bed bugs still crawling around
Itch when isolated muttering in mirrors, checking the carpet for sounds
Splinter away busted and all the things trusted

None of it matters scrubbed out all that blood splatter
Only renting that space with the red globules on the gray walls

Made a mistake and months stalled like a traffic jam
Stuck behind a van with the driver just walking out at the stop sign
Leaving the motor running and the sidewalk like a perpendicular time line
To skirt forward upon trespassing on seven random lawns
Crossing over and trample grass like a hummed along secret song
Known but not exposed learned in times when she was not so exactly alone

And one day the tune churns out like a water spout
Spigot spun and a tsunami comes out
Didn’t know she knew that route, but she had it mapped out

Stand up, stood up, roughed up and knuckled up
Duct tape will fix the cracks of all the broken lumps
Detect the reject like an aroma of anti-love
Paint on taint like a primer to restate

Over and over that the colors will not bleed over
Dark tones sure but the chemicals make pure
Like absolution from Christ passed from a man for an abortion of a life
Don’t mistake sin for who suffers its plight

Trodden and burned father figure, statue exposed no, I am living this role
Been here from day one and I am not going to let the words murder this soul
Bellowing and billowing like a puffer of smoke out of this chimney
In white transubstantiation like the cardinals just elected the pope,
These emotions on you I will emote

To the world and let it be and let it go like a light expanding in infinite directions
Standing at the stop sign shifting the gear of all these recollections
Stronger and stronger and the candle burns longer because
I can wax infinite

Like a moon on a linear rotation expanding in an unbound train track connection
To the universe gravity busted drawn to a path with out that satellite graft
To a planet that is no longer home, E.T. to the E.R. caught like a comet tail
Tracking on a light year line streaking to a supernova star

Earth like a ghetto and the remainder of God’s creation like a playground
Better move on than straddle behind that stop-signed side walk out van
With the driver on the lamb, rev my engine and make my own gravity
Bust the atmosphere look at the one shot, its no tragedy

All that blur out the window side dandelions roaring and
I have got my own pride, purchased not rented,
Not blinking like a butterfly wing that is bound to move
Carved out like a pirogue this vessel has its own grooves

West Africa to the Cajuns of Louisiana parallel influences
And this boat has no sail but small and steady, focused and ready
Moved out and on, liquidate the rocks for pennies on the dollar
Invested and nested in the curls of the tested metal

Journey for one rather than settle in the folds of a day that will never stay
Universe is streaking, galaxies are bleeding out a pressurized glare
Eyes forward and so I will stare into the folds of an infinite night
In a land of a thousand suns and zero rotation, gravity on a temporal vacation

Guided on my own, with the warm blood on hiatus
Maintaining 98.6 on instruments instead of a solar solace in stasis
One day that will never stay like a landing pad in an alien world
Until then jetting off, waiting to claim a footstep like roots to let my flag unfurl

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