Monday, June 11, 2012

The Language of Swans and Stags

The Language of Swans and Stags

Women are delicate, sensitive
To the touch, to the word
Allowed a spectrum of vulnerability
Foreign to all masculine realms

Unspoken indirect desire for reassurance
That she is in the essence wanted
That her worries and temporal shifts
Are listened to, addressed, noticed

Women require attention.  Attention equals love.
A measure of nourishment to her femininity
To flower and bear fruit that a man is her gardener
And she will invest her inherent resources in blooming
Rather than preparing for the grip of winter

The paradox of the vine, is each woman is unique
in filament, stamen and anther, both adorned and shrouded in petals
Wanting a man to see her simultaneously with blinders
As if the man knows all other blooms link to the bush

But he does not look, yet she does in
Ubiquitous cognizant peripheral vision
Of her completion balancing the fear of similarity
And the bravery to accept her own beauty
Dignified in his eyes

Women want men to protect and provide
Support and stability in a framework of givens
Her rock, her granite platform to envelop her being
To stimulate a grid of options so that
She can choose to be the sun beam or the petal

Women want to know a man thinks she is attractive.
To be pursued, to be adored, to be fondled in mind
That she is selected above the throng like a beacon
Of magnetized committed want to dilate the energies of her fertility

A woman needs to know she has the latitude
To be, to visit on the fringe of irrational action
To make hinted at overtures of necessity
In substitute for simple wants and have a man

Treat them as mandates that he is there
As a man in full in her life for her
That her petals can part and she is secure
To blossom that burgeoning vulnerability

For herself, for her compatriot family
To know there is another who will hold the door
Before her entry, notice her three quarter empty glass
Sense the swell in her ankles and call them small

These above all make her feel feminine
Claim her womanhood like a bouquet
Burry her nostrils and fade away into the oblivion
Of being able to love passionately as a woman in full

Flowers as a table centerpiece,
A cooked dinner she assumed she would prepare
A task he handled that is no longer there
A love note hidden and discovered to differentiate the day from others

An insect abducted into a murdered cloth no longer skittering a thought
Across her mind that she had to enact her own battle plan
But there was her man, like a soldier of attention
Rewarding her for letting her guard down by being her guardian

A man like a sentry of tempered love on the wing as option
To ride the sway of her self-empowerment, warm air beneath
And cool above to lift and to allow, to do and to listen
The attention to the details in her temperament are played like a virtuoso to his violin

In these words, she is attended to, secure, and affirmed
In all her feminine bonds released into a man’s cup of hands
To reverberate her soul like a song bird glowing with each
Wing beat of her swan white and black dancing in flight

Glorious for the world to witness
Knowing he knew enough that she did not need solutions or answers
But simply space in his listening to fly

An in turn, a man yearns to feel the fire light glow
Of her appreciation in a spectrum of heat from the
Approximate kindled warmth to the smelting furnace
Of passion in range of these days, that he is her musician

Playing the strings and percussion skins of her body and mind
With the dexterity of prince and pauper, provider of
Platforms of gold and emotional latitude that allow her to exude
Her true Papillion form across shared skies and all he wants to do is witness her soar

In glee, in rose, in all this life he did propose
A kindness scarred with her love tattooed upon his arms
Rising for each day’s labor with the strength of her gracious face
To be his peace to know he has purpose and to release the man

Into his cave, to let him be and let him rage, alone when he needs it
Complete to scavenge the beaches of his mind to hunt or fish or want
A sanctuary in mental solitude that there are recharging moments
Where no one is asking for his blood, his time, his want, his sense of self

Before he is broken open, gone bust, because men are happiest when love
Is simply being appreciated for providing, not receiving
We don’t need flowers just a few words and sex
Time to replenish in a self-directed manner, usually alone

And in convolution to a woman attention is love
And to a man time alone allows us the energy to love you
A woman speaks and breathes indirectly for the energy to love
A man speaks and works directly for the resources to allow a woman to breathe

A woman does not want to be solved and a man is constantly searching for the tool
To fix, to address, to work and all she wants to do is be heard
And so an objective accomplished through passive voice
A listening ear, a so plain host,

A man folding in, when needing help, he is concave and we ask her to be convex
And her the same for him to show concern enough to ask and even more not to solve
To show the faith in the strength of the platform his love has allowed her to take flight from and sail in the wind of her own words coming out thrusting her up

That he is her bowl of hands to have them land, for her to shed this tragic weight
Of her days frustrations and all he wanted was to see his swan luminous like the sun
Illuminating brilliant weightless confidence like he knows her in his heart

So man, let her fly, give her your ear, and your objective is accomplished
So silently and she will rain upon you in feathers of appreciation
So woman, let him hibernate when called upon, leave a fawn by the entry for him to find
And be the vixen in his den, so passionate with a stomach full and a dream quenched

So diligent he will work in the morning

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