Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Ignorance in the markers of my father’s father
Never growing up near a human being of color
Of knowing a man to man in hand
His family is like a stitching point marker in the sand

To say here is a day we have never conversed
And here after we have begun to see the other’s universe
I give you these words like a ticket to ride
The escalator up and down into the grasslands of this pride

To roam this savannah of ignorant predators and hunters
Of bounty for walls barren of structures
Made up over the most human of constructs
The twinge of melanin and the country that obstructs

The view to see the language like a conundrum cube
Twisting to solve all these lyrics babbling in the brooks
Of all these rivers we fear to change the levees of man
Straddling these waters with the eclipsed hands

Shading and fading into restraining to speak
Out of this unknown like a carriage ride with an engine of pride
Pumping fossil fuels of dinosaur dreams praying for extinction
Before buffering the battles of these leaves

Falling in autumns of Septembers to come and
Anna begins to change her mind and the whole system is dumb
Found on a street corner watching conversations on face books
Dropping hints that the barriers between these dreams

Are shaping and sending and melting and mending the
Grandfather’s gerrymandered lines political capital rain drops
Soaking in soils of old Southern oils basting these turkeys
In a Thanksgiving of Indian summers for American falls

Maybe now, maybe never, but I give you the Rain King’s call
Know these neighbors and the savannah’s grass won’t need to be grown so tall

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