Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Biting the Brick

 Biting the Brick

I expiate this fear
With a spate of each face that has lived in here
Stand strong, the brittle winter crumbles
In this genesis wave to a faithful spring erupting

Spit it back in that waft of the wind
Screaming back like a brick in the mouth
Flung fully intact that thoughts
Are cracked in its solid nature

This fear like the mason with the mortar binding
The words of this coffin lining stitched in
With the acumen of the sage and the precision
In the rage of the ax pounding

The splinters of these shivers excavating
This want to be suicide in the nights of
This darkened embrace with the catacombs
Of this maze wandering in the wanting

Of measured alone and must be the hunting
For the dog that bites the hand that feeds her
Snarling in the second turned and the insight
Of time groveling for a subscription to the answers

Arriving monthly in a chain mail armor of messages
Nail gunned in deposits in a sperm bank to link in the
What ifs and the I can’t quits of this contract signed
And delivered in this capitalist endeavors

To trade what for what, what is the safari target for this hunt
Beauty escaping and plumping and the swell
Just falls into a dumping to run like an escape artist

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