Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bilateral Movement

Bilateral Movement

Cropping and mopping these lines of where to harbor judgment
Inside the confines of assumptions and notions with time to float
Down and settle like bubbles and helicopter seedlings fluttering
From the unreachable branches of the Tipu tree

The unknowns and almost homes of feelings that slide upon the surface
Of an understanding in full as a time and a place where my feet
Just move like standing on an iced pond and walking out
Not knowing the depth of the floor or the waters below

Half afraid and half not needing to know, some measures do not matter anywhere but now
Of where is your mind, your heart, right on that line deciding your path

Classic wonder of what passes under that city bridge above the Seine
Snaking through Paris with umbrella roadways and a thousand history filled alcoves
To ask, “Is this a path that is forked that necessitates a bifurcated love in your life,
To a measure my man hood can not wholly satiate independent of
My density of confidence in my own abilities and purpose due to this subdivision or
Is this just another possibility undefined in the constructs of XX and XY?”

Autonomous of openness that in time you have rearranged your wonder to discover
Washed in your want, life is in a place to confront a singular pursuit
With a persuasion beyond neutered grammar that it is not the body but the boundary beneath
Broken and fragile and lining the leaks of all that you have become from the first day to now

That monogamy has a foundry in my arms and how
You got here and the puddles and waterways sprayed out and ridden
In glass ceiling boats, no matter the maze, if you are here and
Choosing in earnest in an honest outreach to me

Then none of that matters, except for that one thing
That you can segregate all of your choice to tell me in faith
That I am more than enough to surfeit that which encompasses your want
In your time of choosing, in heart, in body, in mind, in soul,
Then you are still the you that you always were

And nothing else is relevant except for your hand in mine
I will take you for this time like that seed swirling from the unreachable branch
Waiting with my arms outstretched in a cup of my hands
A concave centerpiece for all of you to fall

Fall for me and I will give you my all of faith in who you have shared and shown,
To trust you implicit in the foundation of a home
For the permission to feel To nurse a concern and begin to turn the wheel

On this rusted valve counterclockwise, to release this damn and re-flood this valley
With all this enriched soil retained in back stories we all have and penciled in names
We no longer call ourselves, but respond to in parts, that there was a girl and there was a boy
Setting aside insecurities for maturities for the man that I am, not the man that I was
For the woman before me on the precipice of love, teetering to fall

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