Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Binging on Faith

Binging on Faith

Barter the boundaries of this plastic cup
Passed around and throwing up
The contents of sucking down faith in spades
God coming down and all around and never seeing the exit to this maze

Or the mist around the aura to the specter
To the image of the lecturer
Barking out the borders
Of how all this shit stays in order

Celestial bodies comet tailed into the ice age
Paleozoic reptiles under the same restrictive guile
Pumped out in anarchy, why the hell
Are we the only ones responsible for taking the lead?

For not fucking this planet into Armageddon
Are the insects buying what he’s selling?
Contributions in instinct battle cries
Pollinating the instruments to direct how to survive

The desegregation of every being in creation
How the hell are we responsible for seeing what seems so comical?
That we have a chance to circumvent these individual national anthems
For a war to discover our own salvation under some dudes stack of laundry lists

Of all the things we each would rather not give up
Freedom like a reason to disengage
Freedom like a reason to maintain the state
Of complacency in me

“My American dream is to have it,
A little bit better than my parents ever had it”
Lost refrain, because this is the first generation to drop the claim
On the floor and fail leathery is pounding that nail

Faith in spades and failed the grade
Need an anthem, impale the stagnant way it has to be
To see being free as free, only a footstep away
From the price ancestors have paid

All forgotten, respect for that which is greater than us gone rotten
Like the side of the wooden ships that sailed us here
Termites got their fill on all the bitter pills
We are too insulated to swallow on our own

So stay in the drive through line,
Watch the excuses of court room tv crimes
And pray, and pray and pray for someone else to have to pay

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