Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Faith Flogging

A Faith Flogging

Knocking on the line of where did I
Loose this faith like a coin from a pocket
I was unaware had the stretched fabric of a slipping stitch
Chasm pants fallen off wandering naked in this ditch

Of a life and all of a sudden the grime churns into spite
Looking up the darkness cakes on my eyes
Like blindfolds to what I use to behold
Like a glass of water on that window sill

Always full and always there and always clear
I would always stare and there you go and murk in the view
Of how these compartments of life tend to spew
And expiate right down my face

With apologies from other sources I create
As if the wrong is just a song that I sing along
In the back ground of broken records of busted sounds
Resonating nothing with all the hyenas I have been hunting

That not even in the least bit begrudging keep on munching
On the fruits of the orchard I have been growing
In my own confines to maintain the lines of principle
Routine and repeating all of the farming in the rows

Explodes and the furry at the sky, the sun and all
That seems to never have been done
Faith drying up in this drought for my harvest time
The ants are marching on the grasshoppers and blurring the lines

Of wrong and right, turn this cheek and stab the abdomen and see it bleed
Thorax for more stacks for gratification in the modern interpretation
Of two thousand years of aggregated fears
Faith in who and faith in the two wars in my soul, my mind

When is it my time? When is the cold crime
Going to be solved like the fading chalk outline
Assuming never, just cry this bitterness into a river
Let all the navy sail out of port with guns left at home

Suicide on the seas of all this empty greed,
To demand explanations for the empty verses
Faith in you, will you come too?
Like a knocked out partner, where’s my savior?

Not that strong, stalwart is all gone
Not that afraid if you just gave me her voice for the right turn in the maze
Search the spotlight like a faith that you were calling in her hues
Don’t want to believe you were taunting, that all that was a flogging for misplaced faith

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