Monday, June 11, 2012

Time Tide

Time Tide

In the end nothing is relevant but the how of our choice,
Not the what or the when or the circumstance, but the contemplation 
Flowing in the indifferent witness of time

Time is a melted tide
A substance that maneuvers births and suicides itself
Every moment we churn the arrogance to grasp at the sides
Of an intention to impede or propel and all of the angles

Are prison cells waiting and motor cross salvos sailing
Into open canyons with explosive conclusions gaseous
Environments igniting in these midnights expanding
Like a cloak to the rope around our neck instead of our waists

As we jumped too soon screaming for our replicated self to wait
The mirror backwards us there on the crest of finally seeing
There is no being, there is no correlated argument to be made
Time is an objective voyeur and we can not play destroyer

Or fan boy or stake holder or incremental confidant
Time can give nothing resembling gratitude or satiation
Of our physical emancipation from all these laws we have
Decreed for own kingdom, gender bending impediments

Of the way we wish our world would have seen them
Today and nothing, yesterday is slopped and coming clean
For a boomerang dream haunting in the crossing of where
Colors may have streaked out and arched and in the breach

Breaking on the curvature of the length of our speech
To reach back there on the cusp of altering the spare tire regrets
Kept in the trunk of all the traveled suns to set, speaking in tones
That fret over what was for no reason other than the definition

Of stupidity knocking us dumb as that boomerang thought
Angles to run smack into our expecting face, knowing the answer
Knowing the pace of time’s contribution to our present movements
All of it melted ice cream on a sidewalk dropped child’s scream

Nothing can be done but moving on investing in other salvations
And other pounds of man and flesh and bone and dress
These days in other faiths than time for surely she holds no answers
Only the mirage of purpose to comprise a rational for the random

An order for the mathematics of free will and science confounding
The hopeful with a doubt cap full pious sacrosanct hour glass measuring
The castles in the sand melting under and inexorable tide

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