Sunday, June 10, 2012

Optimistic Vantage Points

Optimistic Vantage Points

If the only thing that can cheer a person up
Is the mantra that it could always be worse, others suffer more,
What sort of environment is that for hope to breed through?
Like a Petri dish of agony to unlock hell

Bifurcating bacteria swarming in a brood
That the future is cloudy and there is no use to
Ask for compassion from a vapid God
Just an alarmist predisposition for a travel log

Scratched out on places not worth attending
Just an agenda to a meeting that would only be a listing
Of all the roadblocks and highway sideshow mangled tragedies
Automobile pile ups and plastic surgery parodies

Of human beings with puppet strings
Conversing about days events of in-formalities
About how we got there, but did not arrive on time
Of how love showed up or did not,

Is everyone just miserable?
Is that the great big secret that every soul out there
Is just as unbearably depressed, but we are all too narcissistic
To give our arrogance a rest, to open our hearts and admit defeat
That we can not do better and that ugly face is more beautiful than our own

Why can’t I complain to someone anyone to say this sucks?
And once said it is never enough, depression like a pension
That comes in an envelope every month, dependable and unsatisfying
And busting my nuts into granules, emasculating and dumping my love

Out like a Faustian garbage bin, demonic horde billow the flames
Every trial or hope fails and I just want a name, any name that makes sense
Because I look at the nature of this man in the mirror and I really do hate him
This ostracized fuck, incapable of making a true friend or finding a love

That will love back in reciprocation, in a want of more than provided
All of this poet and emotive font is the spout of a liar
Fraudulent hope and cracker-faced loved, crumbling in white flecks
In the arms of the shove, get back in your hole who gives a shit?

Not even yourself, so why would anyone provide a modicum of concern
A preschool lesson you never seemed to have learned

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