Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Melanoma Measurements

Melanoma Measurements

Left arm triceps one centimeter by one centimeter
Right mid back nine millimeters by five millimeters
Mid back lower five millimeters by five millimeters
Birthmarks standard colorization for now

Melanoma like a lurking assassin of self
Brooding and colluding with the sun
To radiate in irregularities to promote non symmetrical circles

Hairs growing and life is buffering the impact of
A kamikaze of the epidermis take you out in a burst
Falling from the atmosphere in a screaming flame
Mother says not to stare into the sun

One extended distraction of not looking up and you are done
Like a canine aggressive except when stared down
Ignoring collars or commands when left to his own devices
Instinct consumes standard measures of courtesy

To pit bull clench into the skin deep in metric-metered tons
Flesh like Hiroshima melt-down radiant dissolve
No laser treatment to assist in the resolve
To survive, a point moot and buried under the spread

Of this life blasted down and snuffed out in a series of months
Slept-in and ignored and burned-in and bored like a drill bit casing
Injecting the serum into and basting this organism into oblivion 

Left arm triceps one centimeter by one centimeter
Right mid back nine millimeters by five millimeters
Mid back lower five millimeters by five millimeters
Birthmarks standard colorization for now

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