Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Gravity of Rope

The Gravity of Rope

I have been holding on to this rope for hours
Strung into wires bound and shredding into years
Flaunting how strange these rays could melt
I have denied myself the hands to cup these waters
All of it is slipping

The fears are gripping
I could be bigger than these five years
Stir this mix inside of barbs and punctured lungs
Await to take a deep one on this cliff

Cry and slips, ropes unbound
Nothing expounds gravity upon circumstance
Like a lion in wait for the unsteady hand
Swept away into casual death, worried about

The nomenclature of nothing left to lose, freedom moves
All I can hold in the pause of this air cushioning absence
Is the chasm between the man I was and the man that I am
Approaching the concrete hands of this earth slapping me away

Like an unwelcome guest stranded on a roadside knocking and knocked out
Where is the time where this maze has a path way out?
Truth is told and too much of this is getting old, the listening and the positioning
Between acknowledging the phantom of justice and the statue of pointless regret
To know there is only what is and not what could

Make more sense if time was tangible and rotatable, if emotions were extractable
Into currency for pain now for pleasure later, as if the equitable economics
Were ever part of the player’s rules for this life and the line towards the cool
Amusement park rides in heaven where you have to be this good to ride

Like a height line of human construct to parallel the understanding of earning
And punishment as if such as system would some how be suitable except in a fairy tale
Of human behavior modification as God is still subject to the free will of man
Paralyzed to interfere in the unadulterated adulteries of life chosen freely

To murder love in a murder of crows descending to peck out the last morsel of the corpse
Of a bond formed in an overcast of denial to follow bridging a shadow to all destinations
But returning to that which was holding this rope and the hot pellets of beak
Burrowed into the face of those times and yet I can still feel the mouths bending in

Numb for then and awake still during the surgery of now and I want to go back under sedation
Or get the fuck up and realize the gaps in my age expanding, my own strength withstanding
That now that I am older, I will be stronger, I will call my freedom,
Let go of this rope and raise my hands just like a waving flag

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