Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dating Site Profile

Dating Site Profile

How do I put the truth here in this dating site profile pile?
I am the antithesis of immediate gratification.
I have not had a phone call from a non-family member or non-work acquaintance in four months
Even then the conversation was brief.

The last time I had fun is stale and molded on the counter
I sold it for some beans that I am still waiting to grow in this drought
With my brown and black front lawn
Anchors can not seem to drag beyond

I am stationed in this warzone monopoly that in my gut I hate
So why would there be any chance of headway of asking another soul
To join me in my misery, to overcome on a whim and a hope
That this rope once pulled was attached to anything on top of this masturbated mountain
Of over analyzed parachutes?

I bring to the table and nary worth climbing, just a sight to behold from as far back as time can deny the ships from entry into this harbor.  Even in the distinction there is
No further mention that this face stuck to my skull is a sticker shock stop sign of ugly and sold years ago to a nothing man town.

I know what I look like and there is no need to explain all these women out here emailed with neither joy nor complaint, just nothing, just all ending nothing clung to my skin
That there ever was an answer worthy of mention beyond this not at any price bargain bin

I am a man of insides trying to compete, with the taller, the more flexible the structured and chiseled muscle of animal man meat.  I am potato or broccoli.  I am the kiwi of this world’s choices needing to be cut just the right way otherwise you will never get inside for this peculiar bed of green and black seeds and stacked with brown fuzz impossible to segregate, not worthy of pairing for all those yesterday day’s on your plate

So buffet and pass and seek all the others and maybe whoever is dying and last for the laugh at my weird whiskers and my missing tooth grin, just go ahead and be the default for I know I am in the last option basement, the silence of this route, I have never been picked over anyone else who had options in her life up until this and I do not expect things to change now.

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