Tuesday, June 12, 2012

California Treasure Trove

 California Treasure Trove

Sadly enough I regret to inform America
We have allowed the golden goose to lead the ducks
The dumb masses swell, the states are twenty years drunk
On the smell of the millions of fucks

Too confounded to stand, too inebriated to plan
For the selfishness of Oz, to abound and astound
That what our government buys is a mythical army of costs
Unending and distant, heralded as nonexistent

In the impact on our family’s lives
Debt like a coffin grinding the nails in
Of how this society dreams slurping up crude
In milkshakes of smooth glacial compacted plans

How easy is it to give away some one else’s money?
For that is all the government does
There is no man, there is only us and we have sunk our own ships
And dammed our own dams, California is going to fall into the fucking ocean
And a man will be standing in the bedlam of a desert doorway to hell

And how many private prisons will we have to sell
Before the entitlements and the chronic lists of all the optional
Compliments the average man demands must and must not exist, simultaneously
Come to terms with the average crisp debate over the value of a one dollar bill

A bank note paid and oil slicked burning away
In an effigy on the State house flag pole in civil revolt
That the plans of these times must incinerate and burn down to the grain
Before any semblance of sound can call out the name

Of sanity in party of how we elect the right wing or left wing
Full of holes in all our regrets that this nation can no longer fly ten feet off the ground
That we are the snake slithering in centimeters down
Our own Katrina pathways that this sense of security

Is all but a joke in millions of hearts ignored for the poorest of folk
Bilking the government as selfishness erupts because the lawmakers and lawyers
Got love more than all of the above
Term-limit cauldrons, prison head count price tags,
Education wash outs on lowest common denominator body bags
Of the other 26 children in the classroom stagnating away

Trying to solve every problem with money for votes rather than parceling who to pay

Of healthy people getting thirteen tests to bill more
And a line six hundred strong of the working poor who can’t get seen outside the front door,
With providers manipulating everything for Medicare’s magic number
Dying and living duck-duck goose to discover

Corporate citizenship loopholes leaped through in opulence on parade
Racial wars like circus freak side shows of distraction to keep inspection at bay
Religion like a poltergeist of all the ones we have never met keeping us up at night
Spending like a built in excuse, with numbers so big no one wants to read them

With out laughing as if comprehending too many zeros is like slashing
The connection from the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum and cerebellum
Just a limp dick body with no means to stand up and tell them
This is our nation on financial spending meth

Staying up all night and eating every bit of food that’s left in this house to ravage out the pantry
Until we invade our neighbors corridors and violate their sentries
Spark off their alarms into something violent, abscond responsibilities frolic out this time spent
Consuming others resources and buying off tomorrows

With all this plastic Christmas shit piled up in a debt of what we have borrowed
Stacked up in a neighbor’s yard, because how dare we blame ourselves for having to pay it
Blame the banks, blame the parents, blame the commercials and the parrot
For repeating our words in triplicate in double Decker forms

Riding around like English kings only to perform
This is my America the Beautiful, this land of treasure troves
Falling into the fucking ocean and aloha there it goes

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