Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Grasping the currency of my own body of what it takes to sustain
Planted here in this sand, divergent with contrapuntal exterior arguments
I am cactus

Despite this diet of refracted nourishment I prevail ugly, yet alive
Tiny town harbored between nowhere and bum-fuck-Egypt
I reach intrinsic jewels like corollary arguments I mine for myself
To barter for more time to pretend that this has some other potential

Ending than a cliché of cattle skull hallowed out for buzzards to strip
Gray naked and teetering in a smoky mist of shifting sands
These green appendages clap with their pricks and taint
I can only hurt myself and who gives a fuck if it rains

I will sustain like a desert ship standing in a stare down with the sun
Magnanimous oblivion right on the cusp, parched in lust, stoned in love
Pitaya produce this dragon fruit dropping and passed over proved
An option in a desolate place, knowing there is no case

For a traveler to pick it up and ride out with a shovel to dig these roots
Transport this spiny body into a move on a suburban street
These ends will just not meet, I must be here and I give up my hope
In recognition of my species, cactaceae ,an autogamous succulent

Capable of pollinating myself, saguaro standing tall through the dither of winter

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