Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Balsam Hill

Balsam Hill

Switch-flipped and grip-slipped, external ends quick
To say today you are no longer entitled to hold custody of your own feelings
Like contraband for a flight to a foreign country unplanned and immediately mandatory
No baggage packed, no passport to legislate a potential return

Boarding in haste, in haze, solitary and muddled in a huddle of one
Scuttled out on the runway in a prop plane with no pilot’s license
Envisioning the inevitable splash down or crash now into oncoming interstate traffic
With a circus of onlookers at this man awash in red and swollen lips

Bartering for clemency in the wake of all this destruction abounding
Children screaming in the background, sirens wailing about timely dispatching
With clunks and thuds and limbs mangled against steel smeared on asphalt
And I did not ask for a God-damn bit of this

I was just holding this feeling, this love, like a license to operate the vehicle
Of a simple life building snowmen and pancake animals,
Hanging Christmas tree ornaments on Balsam Hill plastic limbs
Abiding to three-hundred day a year attic storage

Duped with contraband no one else can seem to understand,
But assumes I must have and produced this upon myself with just cause
Like a well trained Labrador running into oncoming traffic
Indemnify the feminine for the condemnation of the masculine cliché

Applies easier like a Johnson and Johnson household cleaner
Wipe away without streaks in a law firm that now speaks
For her like a soapbox calling the shots
In mailed to letters to a house built together, but she has walked out on

The fourteen-foot Christmas tree stands in the foyer like a redwood
Decorating with every memory of decades to now, pondering the moment
Of how two put it up and now one day in season’s time I will take it down
Solo in a manipulation of ladders and stair case over hangs, what does it matter if I fall?

Stuffing it sideways back up into an attic, knowing I will not be the one
To retrieve it next year, so I box it in inconvenient locations unlabeled
Knowing some other replacement me in the back of this coup will be questing these out
Constructing in tandem, so I better take the ornaments worth keep-saking now

Like the laminated construction paper outline of my daughter’s preschool hand
At least I can hold onto that, but I don’t know about any of the people in
The ones with photographs

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