Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blowout on The Macondo

Blowout on The Macondo

Mississippi Canyon Block 252,
BP, Andarko, Mitusui, me and you
50 million barrels producible reserves
April twentieth and there goes the bell curve

Time bomb set off in the bartered assumption that
The progression of a bank account towards an infinite limit cracked
Quantum equation of earnings per share could some how trump
These negative environmental externalities floating in the air

Like a plague wind of what ifs wafting towards the shore line
In the belly of a billion oil slicked armored mosquitoes making a plume out a pipeline
Set to impinge their drill bit straws to inject the toxic milkshake
Of Cenozoic and Jurassic compressed bedfellows with virulent maws

Heated up in a mixture of square-celled ferns and amber prisons
Into crude fuel churning into a mile down hive you’d swear was still living
And Bobby Pin pierced the nest and these sludge bugs
Are billowing out like lost smoke monsters headed for shore in route

To inject and infect every micro organism in subtle transient replication
Of that which is biologically segregated into chasms of habitat
Prison-celled Earth and desegregated by man in an apocalyptic birth
Oxygen enriched bodies clinging to their organic natural plans
Irony of deceased Paleozoic remnants obeying the pharaoh’s hand

Creeping death comes in the angel’s overcoat to delta land
Louisiana’s deep-well blood coming back to dinner in a vampire’s invitation into our homes
Mix their virus into our veins in an exchange for the liquid
Suck it up, family boats spray benzene dispersants to estrange 

Feelings of a subculture of Boudreaux sons dying
Like one hundred years of solitude later Native American social suicide crying
In the arms of an Earth’s genocide, that the shrimp have now joined the buffalo
To be farm raised in designated areas as a novelty dish, Prince William’s Sound knows

From plankton into fish eggs maturing into mutated consumptions
From herons and pelicans nesting and regurgitating these carcinogenic capsule productions
Into the open mouths of their young, we are feasting on the buffet of being and
Participating in the practice of being ignored and praying for mercy by pleading

Corporate and governmental responsibilities participating in the duality
Mutual assurance inside an industry to facilitate self monitoring causalities
To avoid catastrophes told by Mike Williams facing death in the singed eye sockets
Fire doors failed and leaping ten stories down into a bath of mucked profits

Praying his body is not lit a fire at any moment
His children can not attend an incinerated father’s funeral to mourn him
Because all the life boats have evacuated in crazed haste, chaos is churning
Out in the Gulf’s waves, hell is riding the winds of these midnights counting down
In the silence of nature Man and earth at war is the only sound

Business Ethics 101 like a punch line for every professor from Tulane to Oxford
Of what rubberized particles in the mud coming up means in the short versus long runs for profits
The drill shaft was not centered, is not that always man’s problem?
Trying to ram in too fast without proper lubrication or solvents

Damn near at the ready, prior planning for foreseeable externalities aren’t worth the pennies
Or pounds to the stockholders, earnings per share and weather forecasts just got much worse
Rubber gaskets to tear and blowout preventers, annular chunks now missing, the pod has lost function, and this could never happen just exploded in the production of an assumption

A million dollars a day or a billion eggs not laid, trade offs and send offs

August Fourth static kill, oil is capped and who pays the bills?
Valdez clean up workers still got neurological buzz kills
1989, 2010 stand up and take a look around again, take warning, freeze up coming
Black swan event, no, feathers are white just drenched in the sludge of man’s oversight

Eddie Vedder at Jazz Fest sending management’s kids on a beach vacation with Palmolive mops
Transocean suicide in the night and the jury is still out and Boudreaux has gone Blanco
Right out, Katrina has a sequel in the bowels of Plaquemines, eyes are burning and a culture thought all they needed was Federal flood insurance and an Army Core levee, don’t sell me

Are we still not Americans?

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