Sunday, June 10, 2012

African Self Pity Medication

African Self Pity Medication

Sometimes when I have the irrational penchant for self pity
I think of the continent of Africa. 
Africa is so vast and varied amongst is nations. 
Defined in bullet point under covered world media line items of

A savannah of mud huts, AK47’s, Negro skin toiling,
Wallowing and every so often singing in a bird’s cage. 
Colonized, conquered, independent squalor,
Sporadic electrical connections cut off by the wrist
Under the ruthless pragmatism of a machete

Rwanda, Chad, Darfur, Uganda, Somalia, Kenyan election Eldoret churches
Hacking neighbors to death, paid some insignificant amount of money
To commit heinous crimes, education is a life and death issue,
When people are not educated they are easily exploited
and that is how we get violence and conflict.

The one educated kid the hope for an entire family. PRESSuRE. 
Why even try when there is no money for a secondary school?
Why are you studying by lamp oil you can not even afford land?

KCPE scores via texts like lottery tickets to orphaned refugee children
Staring mothers in the face praying for salvation

Persecution of Jews, Auschwitz deaths – recalling Frankyl –
The meaning in suffering of suffering well - logothearapy

Killing assumes its own life.   Killing gun violence just multiplies like sperm bullets
Fathering vengeance in the brothers and sons of the deceased. 
Ethnic cleansing mops in machine gun Clorox. 
Bacteria bifurcating in factions

Somali pirates and torpedoes sponsored by foreign investment firms. 
Recipe for piracy: one million empty cups of extreme poverty entwined with
A weak or nonexistent government, readily available automatic weapons,
No black skin birth certificates, under age machine gun toting sea goers,
Busy maritime industry America side jacking some to Virginia court rooms
Under century old piracy laws on United States flagged vessels.

Trying to solve it is like trying to drink all the water from a fire hydrant.
Ignorance is the breeding ground for intolerance, misinformation, Violence.
Tunisian fruit vendor self doused in gasoline and set himself afire. 
Started a revolution in a staggered death
Burn like a phoenix and reset the regime,
These oranges are no longer home grown. 
Sage is at the fire, where are you?

Spark: in Sidi Bouzid, Mohammed Bouazizi
Ethnic fruit can not sell, confiscated his scale have to pay a bribe to get it back,
Slapped a Gov-woman full in the face, Earth man and God at war
Gas station canister to skin in the middle of the traffic,
How do you expect me to make a living $10 a day?

One sand tsunami slap illegal to demonstrate express anger, need for dignity, active in the uprising, spread to other towns into the interior like a liberating virus,
Government turn to police Tunisian people don’t have guns,
Government ask police to sniper shot heads from people

Facebook only visual of reality
One thing for young people to over throw despots,
it’s another thing to form a working democracy
Where is the Facebook of voting, why do we still need Congress?

Serra Leone tribunal courts on fires in Freetown, to try marauders. 
General’s funded through Charles Taylor to Foday Saankoh, and
General Issa Sessay sits there to take account. 
Weigh his remaining life for fifty two years measure the preservation of peace
Against chopping off appendages to account for all the missing limbs and phantom fingers that can no longer cast ballots against a war. 

The special United Nations court is computing the human skeletons, bones strewn from a rebel cutlass, raped civilians, decapitated heads in a bag,
Rebels asking could be next carriers to laugh at the expressions on the dead facades. 

The Rebel Nation United Front igniting civil war, the fear, the thugs invading ones own country through Liberia.  R.U.F. if you choose not to fight with them they will kill you, bush wives and yellow jacket child trained terrorists.  All this playing out in contemplation on the Serra Leone Amputee Football Association field

ICC – if groups under their direct control can be shown to have committed these atrocities they will be prosecuted.   Who cares, repercussions, humans searching for the ghost of justice, to put war or evil in a box they can understand that makes sure “good” wins.  Someone is in prison now.  Someone has been held responsible.

Tunisian boats sail to Italy like Cubans to Miami to smell the fragrance of democracy

The threat of a power vacuum Iraqi dictators absence creates chaos and the certain brutality for most and reward for the few.  Oh we happy few. 

Gaddafi marches on his own pretending King Idris is a peasant
Self portrait Dinars buying LIA bomb downs and a NATO no fly zone
How long before the oil oozes up and on: Syria, Bahrain and the sshh
It up Kingdom of Saudi’s, world is at war, Japan is drowning in a nuclear ocean

Retirees barking unionized death threats,
Is California falling into the fucking Pacific next? Mocando inking up Plaquemines
And I look at ant hill feminine adultery like happenstance

And I lounge here in this American splendor, South lands farmed by African slaves
Bought and sold in Congo Square belting out empathy in Mardi Gras day Indian costumes for understood Diasporas genetically inherited and I have no fucking clue
Contemplating feeling sorry for myself in this Indian town quagmire

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