Monday, June 11, 2012

Vision of What Will

Vision of What Will

I had big fish dreams once
Stories about what will be and would be done
Like gargantuan whale shark tails swishing liquid walls
To crumble in bubble granite devastation in their wake

My aspirations were mighty and irrefutably magnanimous
In the net of preparation and on the preface of expectation
To actually do anything about them
Time was full like a pitcher on a window sill high in iced tea

Lemon pinched and sugar swollen ready to be drunk
The rungs of the ladder enumerated in an escalating sequence to be counted
And desperation and disappointment were lurking like
Post apocalyptic scavengers in a desert wasteland

Waiting to spear me with their realism points
Brash and cock strong too numbed and pronged
On the tip like a bull frog on a swamp rouge trident
An imitation weapon of the troglodyte nonchalant

Yet deadly and grasping at this bastard hope of wanting
In a boomerang consideration that one day this yearn
Will come on back, yet flumped and trumped by indigestion
Flayed rungs splintered and torn with the complacent virus  

Of accepting that which is for what will inevitably be
A choice for all choices and lethargy towards mutability
Decision trees of barren fruit rotting and carved of options
Like ransacked post-war shanties, hope is a vagrant abandoned

Maybe there is more than this as I wait out these dozen more years
But the cloud of this brackish fog permeates my vision
Clogs my breathing and suffocates my will to pray honestly for greater than
I meditate on the grail of passive acceptance to let this weather pattern be

Rather than blow with these lips for it to lift or to curse its texture
As a subtext to every scent on my clothing, every backdrop to my home
Every point of reference for every neighbor I encounter
I ask you God to liberate me from this prison as if

Mandela could take my hand into this mythical justice and set it aside
For later years and live in the beauty of this Frankyl suffering now and own it
Like a champion medal, let me be for all that could be

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