Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

I know you can not see that I have found you
Like a lighthouse to the shore and all these rocks that stopped
Me before I know the harbor is clear from here
And I know that you don’t see with the same clarity as me

Faith in all that I know was not going to go
And make me feel these moves, to invite just anyone
To make me steer through all these what ifs
Like match sticks to light this ship on fire

Burn ten-thousand miles away out from the harbor
In this ocean of one-hundred million souls
I know that you are different even if you do not know that yet
I am ok with taking the bet on you, to ask and not need an answer

To wait for you to turn the corner to the island
To see the way inside this stuttered path that laps
The outskirts of all the ways you never thought of
As possible in the routes to go

To see me as a man you can see in those tomorrows
Waking up to the right of your pillow
Staring with eyelids down, praying on the wake
Of these waves, guided by stars in these constellations

To lay them down and count them all in the folds of these blankets
To hold them here and fire out all of these regrets
That it took this long to get to here and I know, I know
There are burning questions to feel that depth

Of those waters before you will have slept with such peace
To take that leap right off the plank and swim
Do not worry I will catch you, I am acrobat in these waters
I will guide your vessel home no mater the waves or tsunamis thrown

About like words that can never be taken back I will practice a life
As the cartographer of the map to all of that you have hoped for
I can see markings to my veins and blood it inks the travels to my skin
Like a trust in you that I can no longer hold in

To just me I need to give this to, let me set the sails
And I will not fail in taking your hand across this barrier
Of all that you have been miss-given my own is a path to living
Out here in this shelter of intentions in these cloudless waters

I am so joyful that I have found you, all I need for you is to see me now
I am so joyful that I have found you, all I need for you is to see me now

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