Saturday, June 16, 2012



Looking through a telescope out over this ocean
For the horizon’s roll of each day falling off the table
Being able to see that bit further through the folder of these tomorrows
Stacking up in sheets telegraphed in punch codes transmitted

Deciphered matrix of all this context bleeding blood into ink
In simple phrases and numeric assemblies arriving in my inbox
In confirmations of what I see through this glass
Focusing on the mast of her one ship sailing towards me

The flag waving in buffered winds, ascent constant
And unflappable to this zephyr bursts, absent of the maelstrom
Or monsoon behemoths bursting like Kraken wars raging
Below like iceberg finger tips tempting the hull

To sidetrack this voyage, no all of this tepid weather is ambulant
Moving her and I together as if this island is sailing on its own
In prurient nature attracted and bonded like a grappling hook
Catapulted across these waters and straddled to her decking

From my sands and a reverse projectile cannon balled from her ironsides
Snagging the palm trees of my beaches and this telescope is piercing
The activities aboard with exquisite focus that none of this mundane
Will ever sand blast that which we each have dared to hope for to site

Gazing out at all this empty blue backdrop to our movements.

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