Monday, June 11, 2012

Story Time for Thirty-Nine

Story Time for Thirty-Nine

I do not know how to tell my life’s story
Without taint of despair, drama, and stares
At all these road side asphyxiations, mosquito scars
Bloodied gums and spat out teeth scraped up from concrete

Lost in the lawn blades like lambs for the slaughter
Sounds crippled and maimed and jumbled into the same
Resigned stoic implant grin of pensive reflection of all that is left in
Is garbage pungent with self-destruction

Of a pain that I find in no way honorable or comparable
To the great war stories of human tragedy, more like a footnote
To a news feed on a random Monday media cycle to be glanced
Sipped, not savored for its sentient body of flavor

Mud slogged toes and ankles parched for parole
From these Sisyphus-style endeavors
I made and make my choice and in that I pray for a foreign voice
To find compensation in the duration of this camped up isolation

The mirage of my happiest moment all lost and incapable of remembrance
Without taint of the sentences carried out in blood drawn
Days beaten and what is there left in the keep, but a man arguing with himself
Alone in his sleep for a black out curtain and shudder speed prolonged

An aperture blanketed with some alien form of speech
To shut out these visions, to throw a comforter on this world
Like a shadow dome reality that could lighten this load from crushing
The paragraphs they keep coming reminding that all of the timing

Of these choices on love, on placating loneliness with the faith in her was enough
To slay my sanctuary and run back to that lovely step of alone
The gospel of none, praying for answers and believing in one
Man to stand here and take these sounds resides in my head

In this garden of vines overgrown waiting for Medusa’s stare
The peace of stone living out these twelve years, acting as if I want any change
In here, so weak, so feeble and incomplete, wanting for energy for drink for the plenty
Believing in nothing, wanting not to move, maybe it is better to wallow in this tomb

The solace of over exaggerating the doom of being abused
At least this bitterness is like a closet quilt friend, soft and familiar
And purple stitched to my skin, I can pretend, I have the smallest of answers
Buried in this solace like a totem for Thomas to squelch the fires of this doubting

And rise up in the columns of this realism mounting
I just wanted to reach our for a hand and not have to, but get to explain
And not have the names call out feel like Narcissus looking into those waters 
Obsessing over my own problems like golden child toys

Never relinquished for an attic or door to let them walk away
So growth for more was possible in the letting go of pains for a transient semblance
Of justice vagabond on a road strangled and mangled and never made it quite here
Those words of peace to appear like a hasenpfeffer meat from the haberdasher

To the butcher’s blade I could eat that feast and drink her milkshake
And garnish all the stolen wealth for my own sake and sip like a king
Over this emotional high ground estate I had built for myself in these
Self-centered fantasies of what I had earned in the misfortune accumulated

Let it go, let it go, let it pass, let it be for in the quest I have lost the grandest parts of me
Scattered like cogs in a watch to keep time for what was dropped in the fury
Flailed in the fervor, shocked out the stature that these seconds and minutes and hours
Have not been tracked or kept, but spat out and bent under foot and trod

All for the sod grown in this other abode full of wonder and color
And potential, but sot with the inebriated façade of hurt like a shirt
To wear with every exertion of coercion to participate in this prolonged war
The pain of seeing these sights and not owning them for now

And not for what was once alive before

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