Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Road kill

Road kill

Staggered like a clipped buck from a fender
The windshield of the driver liable but eschewing trivial concern
At the lack of iterations of crackle quake fault lines across
Vehicular visors to extend progress across midnight road travel
Without inhibition for the permission to allocate concern

Like a prerequisite to continue contemplation of grocery lists
Legal retainer fees and all the idiosyncratic routines
Of traveling on to Nantahala and Blue Ridge views
Of all the collateral damage the movement imbues

At seventy and headlights dimmed coming up fast
With out warning or caution or direct indication of lawful
Attention to procedural codification of Robert’s rules
For the fundamental right of deliberative assembly to require
All questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action

Deportment lacking and the points of privilege stacking
In a single direction to divide the question to lay the table
Without consideration that the contrapuntal could address a rebuttal
From the key witness to the scene, all of the limit debate immediate
Has become the routine

Hind leg in tatters, limping concussed and none of it matters
The forest is blurred and the in roads of the boreal bosk blurs
Into a blood pressured memory of a flash at the helm ready
To sprint off and meditate on the civility of a death alone under shrubbery

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