Sunday, June 10, 2012

Retirement Plans

Retirement Plans

I give up on you
You just don’t know it
And I am not going to inform you
In any form other than my future absence

From the equation in which you assumed I was compliant
Subservient to your details as to my performance and I appeared apologetic
To ingratiate you to my continued participation in an arrangement
In which I manufacture my own gerrymandered rules beyond your purview

Because you are never here or paying attention to the details of the way in which
I earn you your money coming in like flights of fancy to prompt your complaints
Like a curfew from an absentee adult who is too arrogant to listen to his own children
I am here and working and churning out projects for your stacking

Of the coffers while you venture out and magistrate the offers of what you can
Provide that I readily do behind the walls in my software expertise and the computations
Of how we need to evolve and all I get is grief from you because you show no interest in
How this compound dissolves into my milkshake that you drink while you go off

Hunting in bowling alleys for elk in Montana with monster truck tires and
Timber right treasures growing limber in your old age for health care derivatives
I know which way your retirement papers will be turned in
To some bank account where you sell away this falsified work product with your name on the door

No partners and no lines in the sand where you have to worry about the rules of the sore
Bastard loser that I am allowing myself to be, the only ammunition I have is to call my shot at the time of reckoning to make it known to have a plan to leave and keep my skills in my own hands to rebuild where there is building to be done

And harvest the grain for the silo where there would otherwise be none
Left for me in these turned out streets and this diabetic you sugar coated concerns
Fly in the face of crow turns as the age burns the fires of these fields
Ravens pecking out these optical kernels to my nerves and I will still see myself through

The flames in the pyre spiraling higher and higher and I can radar my way
Through the travesty of divergent yesterdays and no matter I am on my own and you offer me no pocket ladder out the window you took down and made me jump from
Just a height I didn’t have to climb to a Rumplestilskin spun nest of gold I never could claim a sum for a Rapunzel hair over throw

Fairy tales of retirement escapades just go drive off in your country-fide geriatric Escalade up north on a hunting trip and I have got to monitor my own shit and I will never trust you again or go the extra mile for your betterment,
You have proven the lines of where you want to go over and it is

I am a two dollar raise whore for you every half a decade you can pump out a little sugar to keep the bees a humming in the hive and keep the jelly belly rubbing in your miscreant muddled accountancy claiming the numbers I see are a documented fallacy and the day after Thanksgiving never registers with you because you are off watching Arkansas and LSU

Parading and doing just what you like to do and I will have to learn to do the same
Not to be concerned with a future that has no carrot to ever put my name out there under the shingle I am just a vagabond accountant for hire watch me pull out my shotgun and let the buck shot shower down on what commotion I am going to take out

If I only could fathom the concern I use to have that your non concern has drowned out
Of me into a leathery apathy of incomplete that you have your itinerary set for trip and bump out off this sinking ship, oh Hindeberg falling on the Titantic, This American Airlines flight is heading for the towers and I realize now you have no intention to land it

Call the terrorist on the intercom calling the shots with a switch blade knife and a fairy land plastic bomb of mythical ideas that you are so ignorantly arrogant you don’t even attempt to fake just a country oaf dream of a lie not even worth making for my sake

And so I say to you I give up
You just don’t know it
And I am not going to inform you
In any form other than my future absence

So protect your calling shots, because I might just set my own trap
To call eject mid flight and form my own station to protect
My own interests in a catalog to order up an easier path for my prolong
To this life and this end of games, to have a future more certain

While you drive off with a missing rim up on your Escalade

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