Saturday, June 16, 2012



No one has ever written me a love letter
Standing on the springboard of pity
I dive off and eschew this cotton candy pseudo sympathy
For reality’s curl to never expect anything in return

For these days charging out like credit card debt
Owed to myself and I see that interest owed column
Like a spit on an island jutting out in an irregular arrangement
To my solitude out here in this ocean, like a peninsula I will never walk upon

Noticing the disparity between what I have to give
To this world and what I have received in emotional discourse
Like a stone bottomed see saw planted with roots at its base
And a bean stalk rising from the opposing end

Fueled by this vantage point of winding tendrils of feeder systems
Evolved to draw out the deepest quarters of a human core
To tunnel upward and out into and look the devil in his sockets
With this blind mole of an engine churning letters in an assembly line of

Poetic resonance on tap of all these feelings that
Have wandering for a home and project a pyramid to ultimately entomb
Figuring a final resting place for these lyrics is buried within my own ear drums
In a percussion of never knowing an audience that would requite

Such sentiments in a scripted structure of pages to extend her hands
To pen and paper or tap a keyboard without dabble, but passionate
Letters from her own yearnings to share that which can no longer be held in
To grant this to me a keepsake that all my outreach could temper a potential intimidation

In scripture for her to profess something undeniably real for me
Knowing it is not a comparison but a singular rarity that
I could not possibly be disappointed with

So if you have it in you to give me this gift without my prompting
Then I would be forever grateful for you to see what I have continually offered
And just once, just once to taste that gall that it would imbue to hope
For a semblance of the same in return

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