Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Iced Teaspoons

Iced Teaspoons

Love under sedation in the anesthesia of the minutia of this version of normal
Allay the drought of want into a pitcher of iced T swirled in compressed lemons
Scraped of the sinew of juice like a vampire’s drained meal ticket
Imbuing the essence of sour in the zest of skin flecks imbibed

I drink to parch the thirst of a thousand silent sunsets melting
Into a single prayer before my head to my pillow visualizing rather than comprising
The components of a spoon in touch with all the seduction of a counterpart
Mechanized in an S curve of limbs and chests to swallow

The uncomfortable Fahrenheit fingers flickering between exposed skin
That incremental increase in sticky summer held at the embarking of a Tuesday slumber
Endured for the pleasures of contact igniting neurons like cattle on stampede   
Barreling over the precipice of dream land with a fervor of collective pursuit

To a similar never land where the two utensils of you in measured rapture
Could dream in a parallel path towards mutual joy bursting in dandelion precipitation
As if blowing the stems of a billion flowers and each parachute seeded petal a wish
That has culminated in the fruition of that mutual vision

This beatitude imbued upon a dreamscape dwarfs that uncomfortable layer of swelter
Like a shelter to hold you close even when you allow for the refreshing distance of body parts
The background of penitent gratitude to God for this proximity to heaven’s reach 
Transforms the coffin-like stance on mattress empty of hand into that of a connection

Welded with life itself refreshing in ice blocks and lemon drop seeds and time knots
To rationalize the empty expanse in shaken hands like a barter completed amongst adults
That I would make over and over again if the contract was offered
Staring at the steaming coolness of the corresponding empty pillow of this king sized bed

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