Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Constant

The Constant

Constantly cognizant of loneliness
Like paint on these would be beige walls
Smeared over by a hired contractor entrusted days
To enter my home while I was out employed

The colors the hues all picked out in stages of reds and blues
They march in a parade of bold, knowing the control left behind
In an aftermath of continual placements passed everyday
In every trip to the kitchen, every bedroom wandering

There behind the primary assertions is that pallet of common man
Bland and stagnant population in tenable digit occupying this planet
Of rustling like a given that independent of the position
Is this alone like a home always to return to

Reassuring in the indestructibility that in its arms rests me
A nest for an egg, gestating in the womb of this maze
Neither mammal or reptile, no mother and no other
Boarding pass onto this flight of an aftermath

Hundreds of seats, a pilot hidden, discrete, somewhere faceless
And burdened with the proximity to this individual indignity
Wandering in this vagabond parade, answering the call to appear on stage
For soliloquies yawning on about introspective me’s

Aware to impair the burden of the self analysis
That in reality no one ever wants to listen to any one
Speak, read a poem or hear recounting of days events
All we ever want to do is spew our slew of redundant emotions

Waterfalls of cresting recounts of drones on the routes
We will take to forsake ever having to care
Sure, we nod, we hold our ears as planted sod, green grass inviting
That these words are like lighting striking our attention

But inside all of us just want to mention, shut up, cancel your banter
Let me be the one who gets to champion shelter in which others
Squat under the roof of my own words, none of us connecting in the slip of these turns
And lonely is oxygen, is the building block to our continuance

Separated knowing our hopes can not supersede our apathies
Mutual culpability in the bounds of this stagnant constant lonely

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