Tuesday, June 19, 2012



Static electricity tangible in the north and south
Of the moment in eyesight pulling like ball bearings rolling
Magnetized and compelled to close the distance
Without decision of what may, but what is happening

Now in the synapse abolished and combusted in this
Partial snapshot of time evaporating in the camera’s flash
Of lightning jolting and singeing on pale skin

To race up the tannins in the wine in stark contrast of taste
To all moments before this one like a stack of mundane
Obliterated in the factions of ordering these pieces
That do not matter in the seems of this stitching

Coming together inside the brevity and complexity
Of all that is inside this equation of chemistry and physics
Operating without written proofs of the conclusion
All of it self-evident in human understanding

Like a trump-card of emotion over science
In some grand display of metaphysical grandeur
Consummating a devoured divide
With unbridled haste rapture in the ravaging

To complete the sentence without syllables
Ringing audibly rupturing the bubble of this connection
In a pressured system of one shared expanse evaporating
Under the inertia of that which requires no explanation 

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