Thursday, October 11, 2012

Washing off the Soapbox

Washing off the Soapbox 

The political polarization has marketed the assholes in America
With bumper sticker brand names that murk the waters
We default to drink, bathe and flush our toilets with daily
By color, the red or blue tint, the pondering question  

Why isn’t this water clear, natural from the Earth?
No, the price to participate seeps up like a leaking frac-gas line
Can we run a pump to another country, another land,
Another opinion or do you choose the one straw to the same trough  

Varied hues, but the same broth
So who are the devils? Who are insurgents?
Who are the bastards? Who should we throw off the ship? 

Trash the premise of the question as who, because who is us all
The demon is in the distractions that we debate and let fall
Into our consciousness as I can not believe the talking head
On the News Channel foxing democracy now said  

Here’s a list that the populace may disagree in majority,
But get hijacked into other laws in the pole position conformity
To perpetuating obstructionism to keep the people apart
Find common sense and we may create a start

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